Club News, February 16, 2006

WRC Club News
February 16, 2006

Items of interest: people news – Steve Baker & Genevieve Kiley reelected, new members, birthdays, year-end party,  awardees for 2005, member race results, club activities –  track, distance run, dues due, olympics sports extra…

WRC People News

Baker & Kiley Reelected!
Steve Baker and Genevieve Kiley were reelected WRC Presidentand Vice President, respectively, at the year-end party held on February 4th, 2006. We continue to wish Steve and Genevieve the best in their leadership roles! Congratulations!

New Members (since the last news)
Brad Kilbey 33 VA
Dana Jacoby 31 MD
Leigh Tsuji 28 VA
Evan Wight 26 VA
Lisa Hussman 41 MD
Frank Bass 42 VA
Julia Pallares 37, DC
Kevin Grasmick 34, DC
Nakisha Fouch 31, DC
Julia Pallares, 37, DC
Carlos Rojas, 23, VA

We welcome Brad, Dana, Leigh, Evan, Lisa, Frank, Julia, Kevin, Nakisha, Julia, and Carlos into the WRC! Thus far in 2006, we have 15 new members!

January & February Birthdays!

We wish a Happy Birthday to the following members: January belated – Michael C, Yancey H, Heidi R, Kyle Y, Jean-Chrisophe A, Deborah P, Amanda A, Brian T, Max L, Ralph L, Annamaria P, and Tatiana R. February – Marie S, Paul D, Tris K, Jim W, Puja J, Adina W, Challice B, Allisan C, Jennifer G, Lynn H, Kerish M, Kathryn P, and Valeri D. Hope you had, or have, a terrific birthday!

2005 Year-End Party!

The WRC 2005 year-end party was held on February 4th at the Boulevard Woodgrill in Arlington. More than 60 members and friends showed. We enjoyed  food, drink, and momentous chatter…and veteran member Tris Kruger bought the whole party a round of drinks…thanks much Tris!

Some shots of the party!


Amy, Prez Steve and Juli strike a pose… Mike, Lynn, and David say, “hey, how you doin?”
Bart and Adina pose Steve presents Bruce with his award

Many More Party Pictures!


Major Awards for 2005* Highlights
Male Runners of the Year
– Michael Wardian
– Philippe Rolly
Mike: 2:24 at Steamtown, 10 marathons run, 8 under 2:30.
Philippe: 2:36 at Twin Cities, Pikes Peek in 29:54,other quality races.
Female Runners of the Year
– Genevieve Kiley
– Erica Morton
Gen: 2:48 at Twin Cities, quality 10ks.
Erica: 3:24 pr at Chicago, track coordinator
 Masters Runners of the Year
– George Buckheit
– Jean-Christophe Arcaz
– Bruce Reynolds
George: lots of masters top finishes, 33:38 at Pikes Peek.
Jean-Christophe: Grand Prix placer, excellent places and times in numerous races.
Bruce: Grand Prix placer, ran lots of races in excellent times.
Special Recognition Awards**
-Laura Chipken
– Juli Wohlrab
– Amy Sullivan
– Dan Simonds
– Bryon Powell
– Will Ellison
– Steve Money
– Yancey Hall
Laura: 3:26 PR – Chicago
Juli: 4:12 PR – MCM
Amy: 4:12 PR – MCM
Dan: 3:06 – Chicago
Bryon: Western States 100 1st under 30 & 2:54 thon
Will: 3:29 PR – Berlin
Steve: 2:36 MCM, 15:58 Tsunami 5k
Yancey: WRR rankings, good 10ks
Special Recognition Honorable Mentions Al Han, Frank Sprtel, Dane Rauschenberg, Barb Fallon Wallace, Casey Smith, Dave O’Hara, Max Lockwood

*These awardees were presented with a gift certificate to Pacers Running Stores (Alexandria & Arlington).
**Gifts from Ragged Mountain Running Shop (Charlottsville), had to be present at party to win.

The perpetually revolving annual Alfred tomFelde Trophy for exceptional service to the WRC was awarded to club treasurer, runner, and trustworthy volunteer James Scarborough by the 2004 recipient Norman Brand.
If you want to know more about this time-honored perpetual trophy, check out  the history and recognition page.

James holds his trophy…a few others help him celebrate…

There were so many outstanding member performances in 2005, that it was hard to pick who to give awards to, so even if you didn’t get recognized, youl should be proud of your accomplishments, for the club sure is!

At the end of the ceremony, there were a slew of door prizes given out, starting with 2 Pacers gift certificates and then some WRC tshirts.

WRC Member Racing Info
Grand Prix 2005 Winners
RacePacket recognized 3 WRC members for their Grand Prix race series accomplishments.

Overall Women
3d Elizabeth Jones 27

Overall Men
2nd Jean-Christophe Arcaz 44

Men 50-55
2nd Bruce Reynolds 55

Congrats to Elizabeth, Jean-Christophe and Bruce!

Race Results 
(From 1/01 through 2/12, most recent first)

Mercedes Marathon, AL, 2/12 
In number 6 of fiddy2, Dane goes below 3:30 again. (See Dane chronicles table below):

73d Dane Rauschenberg 29  3:27:35 (12th age group)

Walnut Hill Ribbon 5k, 2/11

Bob Platt 54  25:05

Rocky Raccoon 100mile, TX, 2/04
2006 USA 100 Mile Trail Championships (55 finishers)

35th Michael Campbell 56  22:32:02

Ocala Marathon, FL, 2/04
In number 5 of fiddy2, Dane goes below 3:30:

20th Dane Rauschenberg 29  3:28:39 (4th age group)

NYRRC Gridiron 4-Miler, NYC, 2/04
Emily and Diana report that the course was tough.

Emily Turner 24  25:49
Diana Johnson 24  30:26

DCRRC Custis 12k, 2/4

18th Alex Filides 30  47:04
68th Jay Wind 56  54:44
74th Bob Trost 59  56:21

DCRRC Custis 3k, 2/4
James wins it!

1st James Scarborough 47  13:50

ING Miami Marathon, FL, 1/29

Jay Wind 55  3:28:29 (3d age group)
Dane Rauschenberg 29  3:31:06

That was Dane’s 4th marathon of his Fiddy2 quest, he’s now 7.7% done.

Manhattan Half Marathon, NYC, NY

103 Diana Johnson 23  1:41:56 (1,292 women finished)

Orlando XTreme Marathon, FL, 1/21
Dane finishes the 3d marathon of his quest, he’s now 5.8% done.

10th Dane Rauschenberg 29  3:40:06 (1st age group)
Dane wearing his WRC top in Orlando

NYRRC Frostbite 10-Miler, NYC, NY
Diana jumps into this one for a quick training run.

Diana Johnson 23  1:21:00.

RRRC Frostbite 15k, VA, 1/22

Bruce Reynolds 55  1:07:03 (2nd age group)

First Light Marathon, AL, 12/31
Dane finishes the 2nd marathon of his quest, 3.8% done.

22nd Dane Rauschenberg 29  3:28:29 (1st age group)

JFK/MLK 5k, DC, 1/15
On a cold and very windy day at Hains Point…some of our master stalwarts hit it!

Jay Wind 56  22:07
Bob Trost 59  22:48
Bob Platt 54  24:08
James Scarborough 47  24:34

Red Ribbon 5k, 12/31, VA

The WRC is led by new members Elizabeth Jones and Michael Mills in this annual event! 217 females and 257 men ran the race put on by RacePacket.

12th Elizabeth Jones 28  20:35
31st Diana Johnson 24  23:34

46th Michael Mills 34  19:39
53d Dane Rauschenberg 29  19:54
64th Bruce Reynolds 55  20:39
72nd Bryan Bachman 35  21:11
73d Bob Trost 59  21:13
116th James Scarborough 47  23:42

New Year’s Prediction & Resolutions 5k, 1/1, VA
Henry leads the WRC in this one!

3d Henry Grossmann
33d Jay Wind 55  22:00
45th Bob Platt 54  23:08

Walt Disney Half Marathon, 1/6, FL
Dane warms up for his Fiddy2 quest with a half, Elizabeth takes 12th woman overall!

Dane Rauschenberg 29  1:38:42

12th Elizabeth Jones 28  1:28:26

Walt Disney Marathon, 1/7, FL

Dane kicks off his quest by forgetting his chip the morning of the race, what say ye club, is it official? Patent pending.

Michael Mills 34  3:36:56
Dane Rauschenberg 29  3:48:?? (waiting for official chip time)

Al Lewis 10-Miler, 1/7, MDit a

Max kicks the year off with a win!

Max Lockwood 35  56:31 (1st overall)
James Scarborough 47  1:21:32
Jay Wind 55  1:22:02
Bob Platt 54  1:24:53
As we all know by now, Dane R is trying to run 52 marathons in 2006. He’s on course…and here we will follow his steps. 

The Dane Fiddy2 Chronicles – tracking the madness… Website:
1. Walt Disney Marathon, 1/7, FL 3:48:18
2. First Light Marathon, AL, 12/31 3:28:39 (22nd overall, 1st age group)
3. Orlando XTreme Marathon, FL, 1/21 3:40:06 (10th overall, 1st age group)
4. ING Miami Marathon, FL, 1/29 3:31:06
5. Ocala Marathon, FL, 2/04 3:28:39 (20th overall, 4th age group)
6. Mercedes Marathon, AL, 2/12 3:27:35 (73d overall, 12th age group)

Great running everyone! We humbly apologize if we missed any member places or races. Let us know if so.  Other Club Stuff

Track Nights 

Track nights are on Wednesday evenings…to take advantage of the lights at Washington-Lee High School in Arlington. The club now meets at the beginning of the bleachers on the side of the track opposite the entrance gate.
Sunday Distance Runs

Sunday Distance Runs are usually pounded out all along the Capital Crescent Trail, C&O Canal, or Rock Creek Park. We meet at the same spot, close to the corner of 33d Street on M Street, NW, 1 &1/2 blocks from the Key Bridge.

We’ve had terrific showings this winter, except for last weekend when two recent nasty-weather Sundays when 7-8 tough runners showed.

Membership Renewal Reminder

Dues were officially due in January so members are encouraged to renew if they haven’t already. These dues ($15 individual & $25 family) cover the entire 2006 year. Many have already renewed and the WRC thanks you! For those still tardy, please renew as the WRC member data base and email list will soon be edited to include only current members.

Two options for renewals and new memberships. For renewing your membership and paying dues, you now have two options. The traditional mail-in way, or online through a secure server at Here are the links: Online registration    Mail in registration

Your fellow members greatly appreciate your membership and commitment to the WRC! 

Sport Extras!

Winter Olympics Are ON!

The Flying Tomato (aka Shawn White) of USA wins gold in the snow board half pipe!

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