Club News, December 31, 2005

WRC Club News
December 31, 2005
Happy New Year!

Items of interest: new members, birthdays, members in the fall running rankings, 2005 marathon recap, member races, club activities – Club Year End Party Set, Cherry Blossom 10-Miler teams, track workouts, Sunday distance run, new National Marathon in DC coming this spring…read on! WRC People News

New Members (reported since last news)
Emily Johnson, 27, VA
Lindsay Johnson, 22, VA
Elizabeth Jones, 28, VA
Lucy Nottingham, 37, DC
Alisa Key, 35, VA
Kelly Coolican Bedingfield, 38, VA

2006 New Members
Tiffany Logan, 34, VA
Julia Ubelhor, 28, VA
Shelley Burns, 45, VA
Catherine Watts, 26, DC

We welcome Emily, Lindsay, Elizabeth, Lucy, Alisa, and Kelly into the WRC! In 2005, we had 51 new members, a grand mix of 29 ladies and 22 men. And 4 new members already in 2006…welcome Tiffany, Julia, Shelley, and Catherine. We note that Shelley was a member of the WRC at another time back in the day, and not too long ago posted times of 17:35 for 5k, 35:54 for 10k, and 58:55 for 10 miles, winning and placing in local races.

December Birthdays! 

We wish a veryHappy Birthday to the following members: Steve B, Bart F, Mike P, Lisa T, Tashma G, Christopher P, and Alison P. We hope you had a great birthday! Cheers!

If you weren’t mentioned and your birthday is in December, it’s because we don’t have the date in our records…but happy birthday all the same anyway!
WRC Member Racing
Nine WRC Members Make Fall 2005 Rankings (Sept-Nov) of the Washington Running Report! We had 3 men in the open division, with Philippe Rolly and Mike Wardian in the top ten. We had 4 women in the open division including one time vice president Casey Smith, current vice president Gen Kiley, and one time vp and president, Barb Fallon-Wallace.

Men’s Open Women’s Open
  6th Philippe Rolly   13th Casey Smith
  10th Mike Wardian   15th Genevieve Kiley
  24th Max Lockwood   24th Lindsay Goulet
Men’s 35-39   28th Barb Fallon-Wallace
  2nd Max Lockwood
  5th Yancey Hall
Men 40-44
  14th Jean-Christophe Arcaz


Congrats ranked runners!

A number of members may place in RacePacket’s Grand Prix year rankings as well, but scores are not yet complete given that the results from the 12th race, the Red Ribbon Run 5k, have not yet been compiled. Stay tuned.
2005 Member Marathon Recap

Member Marathons Raced Best time/comments
Mike Wardian 10 2:24 at Steamtown; ran 8 under 2:30!
Philippe Rolly 1 (as WRC member) 2:26 at Twin Cities
Frank Sprtel 2 2:35 at Twin Cities
Al Han* 1 2:36 at Chicago
Steve Money 1 2:38 at Marine Corps
Genevieve Kiley 1 2:48 at Twin Cities
Pascal Brazey 1 2:48 at Twin Cities
Bryon Powell 2 2:54 at Deseret News
Lindsay Goulet* 1 3:02 at Twin Cities
Dan Simonds* 2 3:06 in Chicago
Dane Rauschenberg* 7 3:07 at Marine Corps; going for 52 thons in 2006
Steve Tappan 2 3:11 at George Washington Birthday
Jay Wind 3 3:11 at George Washington Birthday
Mark Drosky 1 3:13 at Marine Corps
Jacqueline Cooke 1 3:14 at Boston
Prasad Gerard 1 3:15 at Marine Corps
Marie Sandrock 1 3:18 at George Washington Birthday
Emily Turner 2 3:20 at New York City
Mike Proulx 2 3:22 at Vermont City
Erica Morton* 2 3:24 at Chicago
Laura Chipkin* 1 3:26 at Chicago
Courtney Fulton 2 3:27 at New York City
Michael Campbell 1 3:28 at George Washington Birthday
Ed Zechman* 1 3:28 at Flying Pig
Will Ellison* 1 3:29 at East Berlin
Rob Toonkel 15 3:29 at Cleveland; finished goal of a thon in every State
Lance Crist 1 3:33 at Boston
Alicia Burns 1 3:35 at Marine Corps
Bart Forsyth 1 3:36 at Boston
Jessica Elias 1 3:42 at Marine Corps
Diana Johnson 2 3:47 at Boston
Challice Bonifant 1 3:51 at Boston
Deborah Pressley 1 4:01 at Marine Corps
Tom O’Reilly 1 4:10 at Marine Corps
Annamaria Pace 1 4:10 at Marine Corps
Juli Wohlrab 1 4:12 at Marine Corps
Amy Sullivan 2 4:12 at Marine Corps
Tatiana Ramos 1 4:13 at Marine Corps
Bob Platt 1 4:17 at Marine Corps
Puja Jawahar 1 4:22 at Hops
Lynn Huang 1 4:25 at Marine Corps
Jennifer Graetz 1 4:54 at Los Angelos
Jennifer Anthony 1 4:57 at Marine Corps
Theresa Grano 1 5:02 at Marine Corps
Amanda Agenes 1 5:02 at Marine Corps

*PR. (If we missed any of your thons or made a mistake in the recap, let us know.)

Recent Race Results
(From 11/11 through 1/1/2006, most recent first)


Jingle All the Way 10k, DC, 12/11

Men (554 finishers):
7th Max Lockwood 35  33:57
39th Michael Mills 34  41:02

Women (754 finishers):
12th Elizabeth Jones 28  41:41
88th Alisa Keys 35  50:07
113th Antonia Feldschmied 33  51:21
186th Emily Johnson 28  54:10
330th M-J Oboroceanu 43  58:54
400th Jennifer Anthony 30  60:45
702nd Lindsay Johnson 23  76:47

PVTC Christmas Caper 5k, DC, 12/17

8th Tina Bordonaro 35  24:37 (1st age)

11th Bob Trost 59  21:59 (2nd age)
15th Jay Wind 55  22:05 (3d age)
29th James Scarborough 47  24:36

Reggae Marathon, Jamaica, 12/03
Iron Mike travels to the caribbean and grabs second place, mahn!

2nd Mike Wardian 31  2:35:25

Gar Williams Half Marathon, VA, 12/03
Max captures second!

2nd Max Lockwood 35  1:16:18
47th Jay Wind 55  1:38:37
58th Bob Trost 59  1:43:13
98th James Scarborough 47  1:51:29
107th Bob Platt 54  1:53:44

Jingle All the Way 10k, DC, 12/11

7th Max Lockwood 35  33:57

113th Antonia Feldschmied 33  51:21

Bread Run 10k, MD, 12/11

31st Jay Wind 55  45:58 (1st age)
54th James Scarborough 47  51:41
65th Bob Platt 54  53:43

Honolulu Marathon, HI, 12/11

Ron Toonkel 30  3:35:31

With this finish, Ron became the 4th youngest and 302nd person overall to complete a marathon in all 50 states.

Alexandria Turkey Trot 5 Mile, VA, 11/24

Women (1,080 finishers)
7th Lisa Thomas 29  31:59
74th Elizabeth Ottaway 42  39:31
133d Deborah Pressley  41:34
150th Alisa Key 35  42:02

Men (1,142 finishers)
17th Henry Grossmann 34  27:46
27th Derik Thomas 39  29:05
42nd Kyle Yost 34  30:25
51st Dan Simonds 38  31:03
76th John Rusinko 45  32:29
91st Paul Durbin 40  33:16
93d Charles Manahan 38  33:22
118th Jay Wind 55  34:26
132nd Bruce Reynolds 55  34:49
151st Bob Trost 59  35:34
156th James Scarborough 47 35:44
301st Bob Platt 54  39:07

VA Turkey Trot 5k, VA, 11/24
Philippe wins it!

1st Philippe Rolly 33  15:50
9th Jean-Christophe Arcaz 44  17:16

YMCA Turkey Chase 10k, MD, 11/24

8th Emily Turner 24  41:40
31st Challice Bonifant 27  46:11
88th Diana Johnson 24  50:30

4th Max Lockwood 35  34:22
508th Tristram Kruger 54  53:06

Manchester Road Race, CT, 11/24 (69th year)
Just under 5 miles…

157th Bart Forsyth 28:44

MCRRC Turkey Burnoff 10 Miler, MD, 11/26

2nd Max Lockwood 35  57:33

JFK 50-Miler, Hagerstown, MD, 11/19
Three WRCers in the mix among 951 finishers on a grueling course.

53d Michael Campbell 55  7:52:37
97th Dane Rauschenberg 29  8:32:57
119th Prasad Gerard 47  8:46:08

King of the Road 5k, MD, 11/19

2nd Jean-Christophe Arcaz 44  17:06
James Scarborough 47  22:33

Sarah Buckheit 45  23:19 (3d age)

USATF National X-Country Club Championships, NY, 11/19
Dave O’Hara traveled up to Rochester, NY to run in this grand cross country race…and sent this quote to the club:

“Hey I figured everyone would love that I got my butt beat at the USATF Club Nationals placing 228th out of 308 and
running 34:46. Ouch!”

Well Dave, we all know that’s a tough event. Kudos for hitting it. You also remind us that the WRC should field a team in
that race like the club once did on a regular basis in yesteryear.

Philadelphia Marathon, PA, 11/20

27th Sharon Donovan 31  3:06:54

Thomas G. Labrecque Classic 4-Mile, DC, 11/20
Elite field in this big race! Philippe, Casey, and Max make top ten!

6th Philippe Rolly 33  20:39
8th Max Lockwood 35  21:16

8th Casey Smith 26  23:02
69th Antonia Feldschmied 33  33:17
104th MJ Oboroceanu 43  34:52
135th Jennifer Anthony 24  35:59

PVTC Cranberry Crawl, 5k & 10k, VA, 11/20
Veteran Masters Bob and Jay each take 8th place overall in the respective races.

8th Bob Trost 59  22:30
8th Jay Wind 55  45:44

On Eagles Wings 10k, VA, 11/11
Max wins it!

1st Max Lockwood 35  35:23
13th Mark Drosky 45  41:24

Run for Research 5k, DC, 11/12
Philippe wins!

1st Philippe Rolly 33  15:31
9th David Deshryver 33  17:57

22nd Antonia Feldschmied 33  23:21 (2nd age)

Race for Mental Health 5k, DC, 11/12

2nd Max Lockwood 35  16:01

Great running everyone! We sincerely apologize if we missed any member places or races. Let us know if so. 

Club Activities

2005 Year End Party Set

PRESIDENT BAKER ANNOUNCES YEAR-END PARTY! The WRC’s year-end party will be held on Saturday evening, February 4, 2006 at the  Boulevard Woodgrill in Arlington, VA. Fun, food, drink, cheer, announcements, awards, and other festivities will be the order of the eve.

Save the date on your calendars and stay tuned for more information and an evite to members soon with more details of the event.

Cherry Blossom 10-Miler Teams

We are working at putting some teams together for the Cherry Blossom 10-Miler, which is being run on Sunday, April 2, 2006. You can’t enter anymore, but if you’re already in and with to be on a WRC team (and haven’t let us know already), let Steve know at or

Track Workouts – Wednesdays 

Track is back at Washington-Lee High School in Arlington on Wednesday evenings with a warmup beginning at 6:00pm or so, and the speed intervals beginning at 6:30pm. We meet at the bleachers at the opposite side of the track entrance gate from the parking lot.

Directions to Washington-Lee High School (track is both car and metro accessable).

Check out the track workout page for more info. Club members receive the weekly workout recommendation and track opening information via the weekly email update. There are usually about 8 to 15 members running these workouts in the colder months.

Sunday Distance Runs

Sunday Distance Runs are most often run along the Capital Crescent Trail, C&O Canal, or in Rock Creek Park. We meet close to the corner of 33d Street on M Street, NW, 1 &1/2 blocks from the Key Bridge, and near the orange Cingular awning. Directions to the Run (all welcome to join us!)  Distance Run Info and Directions

After the run, we reconvene at Dean & Deluca’s where all kinds of drinks are the order of the morn. We also attempt to solve all wordly problems, such as, who’s on first, what’s on second?

Good turnouts of late, upwards to 20 members or so…except, of course, for the cancelled formal club runs on December 25th and January 1st because of the holidays.

National Marathon!

There is a new marathon in the Nation’s Capital scheduled for March 25th, 2006 beginning at 7:00 a.m.

Race Site Here!

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