Email Archives for February & March 2006

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Email Archives for February & March 2006
The club is trying a new way to provide its news in the open website. Rather than rewrite the news based on the weekly email updates, we are now going to simply archive the weekly emails here. When there are related photos to show and other extras we will add them as we see fit. Read on.
This archive listing is long, for two months. Future archive pages will only include 1 month. To recieve the email updates the week they are sent out, you must be a current member of the WRC.

Hello Washington Running Club Members!

1. Member Race Results
2. Race Wishes for this Weekend
3. New Online News up Soon
4. Track Workout Weds Eve (2/15)
5. Sunday Distance Run (2/19)
6. Member Interest Forum


Mercedes Marathon, AL, 2/12
In number 6 of fiddy2, Dane goes below 3:30 again:

73d Dane Rauschenberg 29 3:27:35 (12th age group)

Walnut Hill Ribbon 5k, 2/11

Bob Platt 54 25:05

Rocky Raccoon 100mile, TX, 2/04
2006 USA 100 Mile Trail Championships (55 finishers)

35th Michael Campbell 56 22:32:02

Great running all, sorry if we missed any places or races!

2. Race Wishes for this Weekend!

We wish all running the George Washington Birthday 10k in Alexandria, the By George 5k/10k in East Potomac Park, DC, or the Washington Birthday Marathon & Relay in Greenbelt, MD, the best of endurance and speed.

For the latter event, the WRC has a team entered in the 3-leg marathon relay co-ed division, with a team consisting of Gen Kiley, Challice Bonifant, and Michael Proulx. “You go girls!”

3. New Online News Going Up – Friday of this week. See the latest on the party, new members, race updates, club activities, etc.

4. WEDNESDAY TRACK WORKOUT (2/15). At the Washington-Lee High School track. The lights are on. The speed workout begins at 6:30pm. Show up earlier to warm up a couple of miles if you can. See the website for directions (

This weeks suggested workout:

1600m, 2x1200m, 2x800m, 2x400m (400 recovery)

Track coordinator Erica Morton:

We meet at the bleachers opposite the main track entrance gate (near the parking lot). There are lots of other runners at the track, so ask people if they’re with the WRC if you’re new. Bring drink and proper clothing given weather.

The weather will be cooperating nicely tonight so come on out. Remember… “no defeat…surrender.”

Disclaimer: If the track is closed due to snow, very unlikely given the warm weather of today, we will do a trail run instead.

5. SUNDAY DISTANCE RUN. For a run ranging from 8-14 miles at various paces, we meet at the 3300 block of M Street in Georgetown at 8:00 a.m. (1.5 blocks down from the Key Bridge).

Parking is plentiful on M Street. See the website ( for directions to the run if you need them.

After the run, we will regroup at Dean & Deluca’s on M Street to drink coffee, eat pricey sweets, and discuss our favorite movie scenes.

“I don’t want to sell anything, buy anything or process anything as a career. I don’t want to sell anything bought or processed, or buy anything sold or processed, or process anything sold, bought or processed, or repair anything sold, bought or processed. You know, as a career–I don’t want to do that.” –Loyd Dobler

Good turnouts of late…come on out and join the fun!

6. WRC MEMBER INTEREST FORUM. This section is reserved for members to post items for their fellow members to view, or for the club to proffer information about upcoming races or other items of interest. If you wish to post something, please keep the posting short and provide an email address for direct contact. For postings to make the email update, they must be received at by Monday evening.

A. This in from Running Times Magazine (Editor Jim Gerweck)

The phrase, “Listen to your body” has been used in training advice for so long it has become a veritable running chestnut. However, there may be times when it is better to put in the earplugs, according to Kevin Hanson, coach and sponsor of the Hansons-Brooks Distance Project. “When you start to get tired, your body’s natural response is to want to stop, or at least slow down,” he says. “But that’s the very point in a workout where you start to experience a training effect. So if you’re doing a tough workout, [what the Hansons runners call ‘Something of Substance’ training] you have to plan it out in advance, and make a mental commitment to complete it, even when your body is telling you ‘I’m tired, let’s take it easy’.”

Hanson emphasizes that you shouldn’t “run through” an injury that develops during a workout, but normal fatigue and discomfort need to be overcome to take you to the next level in your running.

B. This in from Dane: If you want to view the video about Fiddy2 that was on Channel 9 in DC on 2/6/06, click here:

If you wish to post something, please keep the message short and provide an email address for direct contact. For postings to make the email update, they must be received at by Monday evening.

Cheers all…thanks for listening!

Hello Washington Running Club Members!

1. Member Race Results
2. New Online News Up
3. Track Workout Weds Eve (2/22)
4. Sunday Distance Run (2/26)
5. Member Interest Forum

1. MEMBER RACE RESULTS (first, a couple races we missed and then more recent).

Norfolk East Beach 1/2 Marathon, VA, 2/04

31st Mike Mills 1:30:44 (6th place age)

Hemeji 10-Miler, Japan, 2/11

78th Mike Wardian 31 52:55

Mike won a trip to Japan to run in a very elite field where only invited runners race. We can tell, 52:55 only gets 78th place? Indeed, there were 47 runners under 50 minutes!

Mike reports that he was the first foreigner to ever run in the race, which is 47 years old. Kudos Mike, glad you had a great trip and broke through barriers.

30th GW Birthday 10k Classic, VA, 2/18 (353 finishers)
Some fine performances…the WRC is led by Elizabeth and Jean-Christophe!

3d Elizabeth Jones 28 41:20 (1st age group)
34th Allison Collins 28 51:48

9th Jean-Christophe Arcaz 45 34:51 (1st age)
11th George Buckheit 48 35:35 (2nd age)
57th Bruce Reynolds 55 43:11

By George 5k, DC, 2/18
Three WRCers take home cherry pie awards!

6th Adina Wadsworth 38 21:10 (3d age group)
8th Sarah Buckheit 45 23:01 (2nd age)

14th Jay Wind 56 22:37 (1st age)

GW Birthday Marathon and Marathon Relay, MD, 2/19
On a frigid morning, we had some brave souls racing!

The WRC relay team of Kyle Yost, Mike Proulx, and Challice Bonifant took 3d place in the co-ed team division and were 6th overall, running 3:00:07. We report that due to illness VP Gen Kiley had to pull out (we hope she’s recovering well), but that Kyle stepped in to keep the team together. Kyle hurt his calf during the exertion, so really took one for the team. We hope he heals quickly, for he’s soon off to Europe to bike ride in the Alps for a month. Cool!

Dane gets numero 7 done in his quest and one of our other marathon junkie’s, Rob, runs it too.

21st Dane Rauschenberg 29 3:30:59
29th Rob Toonkel 30 3:42:24

Tallahassee Marathon, FL, 2/19
Mike travels to Florida to get a big PR and Boston qualifier…super!

9th Michael Mills 3:15:02 (2nd age group)

Great running all, sorry if we missed any places or races!

2. NEW ONLINE NEWS UP. See the latest addition of the WRC news that went up last week: member info, party recap, race results, club activities, etc.

3. WEDNESDAY TRACK WORKOUT (2/22). At the Washington-Lee High School track. The lights are on. The speed workout begins at 6:30pm. Show up earlier to warm up a couple of miles if you can. See the website for directions (

This week’s suggested workout:

5 x 1200m (400 recovery)

Erica adds: “if anyone is interested, I’m doing a tempo workout instead (also at the track of course) and that will be 5 x 1 mile at tempo pace, with a 55 second recovery between each mile.”

Track coordinator Erica Morton:

We meet at the bleachers opposite the main track entrance gate (near the parking lot). There are lots of other runners at the track, so ask people if they’re with the WRC if you’re new. Bring drink and proper clothing given the weather.

Weather: Rain and snow this morning then remaining overcast late in the day. Some mixed winter precipitation possible. High 43F. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of precip 60%. Tonight: Cloudy. Low 36F. Winds light and variable.

4. SUNDAY DISTANCE RUN. For a run ranging from 8-14 miles at various paces, we meet at the 3300 block of M Street in Georgetown at 8:00 a.m. (1.5 blocks down from the Key Bridge).

Parking is plentiful on M Street. See the website ( for directions to the run if you need them.

After the run, we will regroup at Dean & Deluca’s on M Street to drink coffee, eat pricey sweets, and discuss the olympics and all things relevant.

Even in the bitter cold of last Sunday, the WRC had a great turnout. There are some tough dudes and dudettes in this club, we tell ya wut. Adina’s award-won cherry pie from By George was gobbled up at D&D’s.

5. WRC MEMBER INTEREST FORUM. This section is reserved for members to post items for their fellow members to view, or for the club to proffer information about upcoming races or other items of interest. If you wish to post something, please keep the posting short and provide an email address for direct contact. For postings to make the email update, they must be received at by Monday evening.

A. This in from Running Times Magazine (Editor Jim Gerweck)

The phrase, “Listen to your body” has been used in training advice for so long it has become a veritable running chestnut. However, there may be times when it is better to put in the earplugs, according to Kevin Hanson, coach and sponsor of the Hansons-Brooks Distance Project. “When you start to get tired, your body’s natural response is to want to stop, or at least slow down,” he says. “But that’s the very point in a workout where you start to experience a training effect. So if you’re doing a tough workout, [what the Hansons runners call ‘Something of Substance’ training] you have to plan it out in advance, and make a mental commitment to complete it, even when your body is telling you ‘I’m tired, let’s take it easy’.”

Hanson emphasizes that you shouldn’t “run through” an injury that develops during a workout, but normal fatigue and discomfort need to be overcome to take you to the next level in your running.

Hello Washington Running Club Members!

1. Member Race Results
2. President Calls for St. Paddy’s Day Volunteers
3. President Taps Bart as Officer
4. Track Workout Weds Eve (3/01)
5. Sunday Distance Run (3/05)
6. Member Interest Forum (some new stuff)

1. MEMBER RACE RESULTS (first a couple recent ones we missed and then most recent)

Valentine’s Day 5k, MD, 2/11

3d Elizabeth Jones 20:37 (1st age)

FARC’s President’s Day 5 Mile, VA, 2/19

3d Elizabeth Jones 33:21 (1st age group)

12th Annual Desert Classic Marathon, AZ, 2/19
Ed takes 7th place!

7th Ed Zechmann 30 3:36:43

Colonial Williamsburg 1/2 Marathon, VA, 2/26

6th Mike Wardian 31 1:12:05

Bank of America Marathon, FL, 2/26
Dane puts number 8 away in his best fiddy2 time yet.

89th Dane Rauschenberg 29 3:26:36 (10th age group)

Great running all, sorry if we missed any places or races!

2. PRESIDENT CALLS FOR ST. PADDY’S DAY VOLUNTEERS. Steve Baker is asking for volunteers to help the club fill some volunteer spots for packet pick up for the St. Paddy’s Day 8k race. The club receives money to do this. It’s also a fun thing to do…see all those signing up for pain. The race is being held on Sunday, March 12th at 9:30 a.m. in DC. Volunteers will be needed for shifts on Saturday (3/11) and race morning prior to the start. More details will be forthcoming. If you’re interested, let Steve know at

Oh, you might noy yet have heard…yes, it’s an 8k race this year. Explained here: “The 2006 racing season will open with the St. Patrick’s Day race, but it will be an 8K this year instead of the traditional 10K. Race organizers were unable to obtain permission for a 10K course this year due to various restrictions on streets in the District of Columbia.” (

3. PRESIDENT TAPS BART FORSYTH AS OFFICER. Steve announces that he selected Bart Forsythe for the position of Secretary with the club and that Bart accepted. He will be resuming those duties immediately after his swearing in. Repeat after Steve: %$$#@!! Bart: %$$#@!! Great, you got it right from the % to the ! You’re in Bart. Kudos! We look forward to your participation, please leave the lawyer-speak at work.

4. WEDNESDAY TRACK WORKOUT (2/22). At the Washington-Lee High School track. The lights are on. The speed workout begins at 6:30pm. Show up earlier to warm up a couple of miles if you can. See the website for directions (

This week’s suggested workout:

8 x 800m (400m recovery)

Optional: 5 x 1200m (400m recovery)

Track coordinator Erica Morton:

We meet at the bleachers opposite the main track entrance gate (near the parking lot). There are lots of other runners at the track, so ask people if they’re with the WRC if you’re new. Bring drink and proper clothing given the weather.

5. SUNDAY DISTANCE RUN. For a run ranging from 8-14 miles at various paces, we meet at the 3300 block of M Street in Georgetown at 8:00 a.m. (1.5 blocks down from the Key Bridge).

Parking is plentiful on M Street. See the website ( for directions to the run if you need them.

After the run, we will regroup at Dean & Deluca’s on M Street to drink coffee, eat pricey sweets, and discuss all things irrelevant.

6. WRC MEMBER INTEREST FORUM. This section is reserved for members to post items for their fellow members to view, or for the club to proffer information about upcoming races or other items of interest. If you wish to post something, please keep the posting short and provide an email address for direct contact. For postings to make the email update, they must be received at by Monday evening.

A. FYI: Boston Marathon Blog Site. From the author: “I have some great posts, like tips from race director dave mcgillivray, insights from 2004 olympic marathon silver medalist meb keflezighi (who’s running his first boston this year) and comments from 1985 champion lisa larsen rainsberger and 5-time wheelchairchampion Ernst Van Dyk.”

B. Member Bric Bracs.

Diana Johnson showed her studentish countenance on Sunday morning, returning to DC for a weekend away from the Big Apple. Great to see you and run with you Diana!

Kyle Yost is off for a month of fun in Europe, biking in the Alps, yodeling among the yodelers. Have fun Kyle, even though we know you’re super bummed to be missing the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler.

Hello Washington Running Club Members!

1. Member Race Results
2. St. Paddy’s Day 8k Volunteers Needed
3. President Taps Bart as Officer
4. No Track Workout This Weds Eve
5. Sunday Distance Run
6. Member Interest Forum

1. MEMBER RACE RESULTS (first a couple recent ones we missed and then most recent)

Belle Haven 25k, VA, 2/25

3d Max Lockwood 36 1:32:01
80th James Scarborough 47 2:15:52
85th Bob Platt 54 2:17:56

Columbia MD RRCA Club Challenge 10mile, 2/26
Bob hits his second long race in as many days…

21st Jean-Christophe Arcaz 45 58:28
357th Bob Platt 54 1:28:33

Greenway Trail 50k, MD, 3/4
The course was a bit long…

7th Bryon Powell 27 4:41:31

Greenway Trail Marathon
This was a bit long too…

7th Prasad Gerard 47 4:17:24

B & A Half Marathon, MD, 3/05
Challice and Erica represent the WRC..

Challice Bonifant 28 1:36:09 (1st age group)
Erica Morton 29 1:37:50

B & A Marathon, MD, 3/05
Prasad hits two marathons in two days…

Prasad Gerard 47 3:34:16

Little Rock Marathon, AR, 3/06
Nine weekends, 9 thons done by Dane, another good time…

71st Dane Rauschenberg 29 3:22:50 (6th age group)
137th Robert Toonkel 30 3:37:41

Great running all, sorry if we missed any places or races!

2. ST. PADDY’S DAY VOLUNTEERS. Steve Baker continues to ask for volunteers to help the club fill some volunteer spots for packet pick up for the St. Paddy’s Day 8k race. The club receives money to do this. It’s also a fun thing to do…see all those signing up for pain. The race is being held this Sunday, March 12th at 9:30 a.m. in DC. Volunteers will be needed for shifts on Friday, Saturday (3/11) and race morning prior to the start.Shifts begin at 10:30 am (11:00 actually) to 3:30 on Friday and Saturday at the Old Post Office Pavilion on Pennsylvania Ave (and 12th St) near Freedom Plaza. The shift race morning on Sunday will begin at 7:00 a.m. and go up to the race start. If you’re interested, let Steve know a.s.a.p. at

Oh, you might noy yet have heard…yes, it’s an 8k race this year. Explained here: “The 2006 racing season will open with the St. Patrick’s Day race, but it will be an 8K this year instead of the traditional 10K. Race organizers were unable to obtain permission for a 10K course this year due to various restrictions on streets in the District of Columbia.” (

3. NO TRACK WORKOUT. Due to high school events, the Washington-Lee High School track will be unavailable for the next few weeks. We may plan a trail run for next week, but this week you’re on your own. Cheers!

4. SUNDAY DISTANCE RUN. For a run ranging from 8-14 miles at various paces, we meet at the 3300 block of M Street in Georgetown at 8:00 a.m. (1.5 blocks down from the Key Bridge).

Parking is plentiful on M Street. See the website ( for directions to the run if you need them.

After the run, we will regroup at Dean & Deluca’s on M Street to drink coffee, eat pricey sweets, and discuss all things irrelevant.

This past Sunday, Dave Oberholtzer brought along some tickets to see the baby panda and a few on the run stopped by to see the new arrival at the National Zoo. Thanks Dave!

5. WRC MEMBER INTEREST FORUM. This section is reserved for members to post items for their fellow members to view, or for the club to proffer information about upcoming races or other items of interest. If you wish to post something, please keep the posting short and provide an email address for direct contact. For postings to make the email update, they must be received at by Monday evening.

A. FYI: Boston Marathon Blog Site. From the author: “I have some great posts, like tips from race director dave mcgillivray, insights from 2004 olympic marathon silver medalist meb keflezighi (who’s running his first boston this year) and comments from 1985 champion lisa larsen rainsberger and 5-time wheelchairchampion Ernst Van Dyk.”


Hello Washington Running Club Members!

1. Member Race Results
2. Pres thanks St. Paddy’s Volunteers
3. No Track, BUT A TRAIL FARTLEK RUN, Tonight (3/15)!
4. Sunday Distance Run (3/19)
5. Dues Update
6. New Online Member Forum
7. Member Interest Forum


We missed a couple recent races for Elizabeth Jones: 2nd place overall at the B&A Half Marathon in 1:28:50 on 3/5, and 3d in her age group at the Colonial Half Marathon in 1:33:24 on 2/26.

Backyard Burn Trail Run, 10-Mile, VA, 3/12
Dan goes trailing…
3d Dan Simonds 1:12:25

St. Paddy’s Day 8k, DC, 3/5
A slew of WRCers toe the line in a superbly talented field, led by Casey and Philippe…4,738 finishers

10th Philippe Rolly 33 25:39
11th Mike Wardian 31 25:47 (3d age group)
14th David O’Hara 29 26:08 (PR)
31st Max Lockwood 35 27:24
35th Kevin Grasmick 34 27:30
36th George Buckheit 48 27:31 (3d age group)
37th Steve Money 25 27:37
41st Jean-Christophe Arcaz 45 27:55
Alex Filides 30 30:39
Carlos Rojas 23 31:45
Frank Estes 31 33:36
Robert Trost 59 34:55

4th Casey Smith 26 28:02
52nd Adina Wadsworth 38 34:56 (3d age group)
Deborah Pressley 38:37
Alisa Key 35 39:49
MJ Oboroceanu 43 47:57
Tiffany Logan 34 77:01

Lower Potomac River Marathon, 3/12
Ten weekends, 10 thons done by Dane, and Prasad hits a second in as many weeks too…

11th Dane Rauschenberg 29 3:22:29 (1st age group)
19th Prasad Gerard 47 3:29:27 (3d age group)

Potomac Overlook Trail Runs, 4k, 8k, 12k, 3/11
Two first place finishers for the WRC, Mike and Bryon!

1st Mike Proulx 31 16:34
1st Bryon Powell 27 34:41

Bryon’s win in the 8k, means that he has won the 12k, 4k, and 8k races in three consecutive years. Kudos!

Buzzard’s A.C. Marathon, PA, 3/12
Run on rugged trails outside Harrisburg…

Bryon Powell 27 4:45

Great running all, sorry if we missed any places or races!

2. PRES THANKS VOLUNTEERS. President Steve Baker extends thanks on behalf of the club for helping out at packet pick up for the St. Paddy’s Day 8k. A huge thanks go to:

Bruce Reynolds
Dave Oberholtzer
Erica Morton
Carlos Rojas
Charles Manahan
Gerry Ives
Henry Grossmann
James Scarborough
Steve Baker (did two shifts)

3. NO TRACK WORKOUT, BUT TRAIL RUN INSTEAD. The high school track is closed, but we will be meeting in the parking lot of Washington-Lee High School to hit the W&OD trail for a fartlek run, leaving at about 6:20 pm.

6 to 8 reps of 3 minutes hard/2 minutes easy. If you want more than that, you can add on.

4. SUNDAY DISTANCE RUN. For a run ranging from 8-14 miles at various paces, we meet at the 3300 block of M Street in Georgetown at 8:00 a.m. (1.5 blocks down from the Key Bridge).

Parking is plentiful on M Street. See the website ( for directions to the run if you need them.

After the run, we will regroup at Dean & Deluca’s on M Street to drink coffee, eat pricey sweets, and discuss all things intellectually stimulating.

5. DUES UPDATE. Many have renewed their dues and the club greatly thanks them for that. However, many have yet to do so for the 2006 year. Please renew at your earliest convenience, either online or by mail.

Thanks for your support! The club membership and email lists will be updated to reflect current members in the next few weeks. If you have any questions regarding your status, email:

6. NEW ONLINE MEMBER FORUM UP. In addition to the email forum below, there is now an online activeboard forum for discussing all things relevant to WRC running. This forum is open to all, but will be moderated to keep out spam and riffraff.

7. WRC MEMBER INTEREST FORUM. This section is reserved for members to post items for their fellow members to view, or for the club to proffer information about upcoming races or other items of interest. If you wish to post something, please keep the posting short and provide an email address for direct contact. For postings to make the email update, they must be received at by Monday evening.

A. Mike Proulx offers up a chocolate milk tip to consider.

B. FYI: Boston Marathon Blog Site. From the author: “I have some great posts, like tips from race director dave mcgillivray, insights from 2004 olympic marathon silver medalist meb keflezighi (who’s running his first boston this year) and comments from 1985 champion lisa larsen rainsberger and 5-time wheelchairchampion Ernst Van Dyk.”


Hello Washington Running Club Members!

1. Member Race Results
2. No Track, BUT A TRAIL RUN, Tonight (3/22)!
3. Sunday Distance Run (3/25)
4. Dues Update
5. New Online Member Forum


Shamrock Marathon, VA, 3/19
Iron Mike breaks wind to WIN Shamrock! Dane gets another one done in his best Fiddy2 time yet.

1st Michael Wardian 31 2:28:27
138th Dane Rauschenberg 29 3:18:41

A story about Mike’s win:

Shamrock 1/2 Marathon, 3/18, VA

26th Elizabeth Jones 28 1:31:38
81st Diana Johnson 24 1:41:33

79th Michael Mills 34 1:25:55 (pr!)

Shamrock 8k, 3/18, VA

31st George Buckheit 48 25:57
110th Michael Mills 34 31:44

Holyoke St. Paddy’s Day 10k, MA, 3/18
Less than a week after an easy trail marathon, Bryon goes all the way to Mass to take on a real race, a tough race, running a 10k on a hilly course.

24th Bryon Powell 27 36:30

Super Sligo 4-Miler, 3/18, MD

12th Sarah Buckheit 45 30:34 (3d age group)

16th Reston 10-Miler, 3/19, VA
Jean-Christophe grabs a 2nd, and Jess finishes in top 10 with sixth!

2nd Jean-Christophe Arcaz 45 59:15
27th Mark Drosky 45 68:01
30th Will Ellison 40 69:43

6th Jessica Elias 31 73:28 (3d age group)

Reston 5k, 3/19
Sarah wins it!

1st Sarah Buckheit 45 23:30

Fort Hunt 10k, 3/19, VA

20th Jay Wind 56 44:40
24th Bob Trost 59 45:29

10th Tina Bordonaro 35 55:06

Ford Ironman California Triathlon (1/2 Ironman), CA, 3/18
(1.2m swim, 56m bike, 13.1m run)
Courtney buys a new wet suit and bike shoes, then hits it hard!

Courtney Fulton 6:00:41

DC Triclub Duathlon, 5k run, 16m bike, 5k run, 3/19

Bart kicks it in the runs…and bikes well too…

1st Bart Forsyth 28 1:23:58

Great running all, sorry if we missed any places or races!

Best of luck and endurance goes to el prez Steve Baker, Bryon Powell, and any other members crazy enough to be doing the 50k Hat Run this weekend!

2. NO TRACK WORKOUT, BUT TRAIL RUN INSTEAD. The high school track is closed, but we will be meeting in the parking lot of Washington-Lee High School to hit the W&OD trail for a trail run, leaving at about 6:20 pm.

[If by chance the track is open, the workout is on it]

3 – 4 x mile, jog about a 1/4 mile rest.

3. SUNDAY DISTANCE RUN. For a run ranging from 8-14 miles at various paces, we meet at the 3300 block of M Street in Georgetown at 8:00 a.m. (1.5 blocks down from the Key Bridge).

Parking is plentiful on M Street. See the website ( for directions to the run if you need them.

After the run, we will regroup at Dean & Deluca’s on M Street to drink coffee, eat pricey sweets, and discuss all things intellectually stimulating.

4. DUES UPDATE. Many have renewed their dues and the club greatly thanks them for that. However, many have yet to do so for the 2006 year. Please renew at your earliest convenience, either online or by mail. It’s only $15 ($25 family)!

Thanks for your support! The club membership and email lists will be updated to reflect current members in the next few weeks. If you have any questions regarding your membership dues status, email:

5. NEW ONLINE MEMBER FORUM UP. In addition to the email forum below, there is now an online activeboard forum for discussing all things relevant to WRC running. This forum is open to all, but will be moderated to keep out spam and riffraff. If interested, go here:

Hello Washington Running Club Members!

1. Member Race Results
2. No Track, BUT A TRAIL RUN, Tonight (3/29)
3. Track Moving to Tuesday Evening on April 4th
4. Sunday Distance Run – Sparse Due to Cherry Blossom 10 Miler
5. Dues Update
6. New Online Member Forum – Recently Fixed


National Marathon, DC, 3/25
Iron Mike wins the debut National Marathon following his Shamrock Marathon win of last week. Max runs well too, finishing 5th in under 2:40. Dane gets another best Fiddy2 time.

1st Michael Wardian 31 2:30:35
5th Max Lockwood 36 2:39:42
Dane Rauschenberg 29 3:16:29
Robert Toonkel 30 3:39:19
James Scarborough 47 3:58:53

National 1/2 Marathon, DC, 3/25

Will Ellison 40 1:37:17
Amy Sullivan 34 2:07:07

Scope it Out 5k, DC, 3/25
Philippe and Elizabeth lead the way for the WRC, and all had terrific age category finishes!

5th Philippe Rolly 33 15:57 (1st age group)
23d Carlos Rojas 23 18:05 (4th age)
34th Michael Mills 34 18:57 (5th age)
35th Mark Drosky 45 18:58 (3d age)

12th Elizabeth Jones 28 20:42 (3d age)
45th Caroline Caine 38 24:20 (3d age)
47th Juli Wohlrab 36 24:51 (4th age)

Backyard Burn 10-Miler, 3/26
Bart and Elizabeth burn the backyard.

3d Bart Forsyth 28 1:04:43 (1st age group)

6th Elizabeth Jones 28 1:20:47 (2nd age)

Hat Run 50k, MD, 3/25 (347 finishers)
Bryon, Prasad, and Prez Steve take to the hilly trails for 31 miles! The Goat and Prasad are veterans at this ultra stuff, Steve was out for his first one.

4th Goat Powell 27 3:56:24
46th Prasad Gerard 47 4:50:06
300th Steve Baker 45 7:11:18

Run vs Row 10k, VA, 3/25
Jean-Christophe takes 2nd overall!

2nd Jean Christophe Arcaz 45 35:35
(Not all results of this race were yet available)

Ocean Drive Marathon, RI, 3/26
Rob travels to RI for his 2nd marathon in two days and finishes his 75th lifetime marathon at the ripe old age of 30!

Rob Toonkel 30 3:56:23

G.C. Round Shamrock 5k, VA, 3/18
Elizabeth wins it!

1st Elizabeth Jones 28 20:58


Best of luck and endurance goes to all running the Cherry Blossom 10-Miler this Sunday!

Prez Steve reports that the WRC is fielding a men’s team and a women’s team. Sorry we couldn’t include everyone running on the teams, unfortunately there are limits to how many and what kinds of teams. No mixed which is a bummer.

“We are out of our culture here, we don’t have anything like Jerry Springer in Ethiopia. But we are learning.” –Birukgelan Regassa (new Ethiopian runner living in the DC area; from the Jim Hage Extra Mile Column)

2. NO TRACK WORKOUT, BUT TRAIL RUN INSTEAD. The high school track is closed, but we will be meeting in the parking lot of Washington-Lee High School to hit the W&OD trail for a trail run, leaving at about 6:20 pm.

15 x 1 minute hard, 1 minute easy recovery. For those running Cherry Blossom, don’t overdo the hard intervals. Just run them fast enough to sharpen the legs without getting sore.

Track coordinator Erica Morton:

3. TRACK MOVING TO TUESDAY NIGHT NEXT WEEK (April 4th). Our annual change of track night from Wednesday (Winter) to Tuesday will occur next week (April 4th). Stay tuned on whether it’ll be a track workout or trail run, which will depend on the availability of the Washington-Lee track.

4. SUNDAY DISTANCE RUN – Will be Sparse Due to the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler going on at the same time.

The run this Sunday is on for the stalwart non-racers. Perhaps they’ll mosey on over to catch some of the race.

For those planning to show anyway:
For a run ranging from 8-14 miles at various paces, we meet at the 3300 block of M Street in Georgetown at 8:00 a.m. (1.5 blocks down from the Key Bridge).

Parking is plentiful on M Street. See the website ( for directions to the run if you need them.

After the run, we regroup at Dean & Deluca’s on M Street to sip coffee, crunch on pricey sweets, and discuss all things intellectually nonstimulating.

5. DUES UPDATE. Many have renewed their dues and the club greatly thanks them for that. However, many have yet to do so for the 2006 year. Please renew at your earliest convenience, either online or by mail. It’s only $15 ($25 family)!

Thanks for your support! The club membership and email lists will be updated to reflect current members by April 30, 2006. If you have any questions regarding your membership dues status, email:

6. NEW ONLINE MEMBER FORUM IS NOW FIXED AND OPEN TO ALL! In addition to the email forum below, there is now an online activeboard forum for discussing all things relevant to WRC running. This forum is open to all, but will be moderated to keep out spam and riffraff.

To read and post, go here:

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