Club News, November 9, 2005

WRC Club News
November 9, 2005

Items of interest: new members, birthdays, Sarah checks in, Dane derives Fiddy2, member race results, club activities – volunteer thanks, track back on, Sunday distance run, other sports news of the T.O. kind…Read on! WRC People News

New Members (reported since last news)!
Mark LaFeir, 32, DC
Alison Paul, 27, DC
David DeSchryver, 33 DC
Annamaria Pace, 25, MD
Antonia Feldschmied, 32, DC
Alicia Burns, 23, VA
Nancy Blacker, 44, VA
Randy Lange, 34, DC
Kristy Jackson, 36, VA
Mari-Jana Oboroceanu, 43, DC
Christopher Paslawski, 39, DC
John DeBell, 27, DC

We welcome Mark, Alison, David, Annamaria, Antonia, Alicia, Nancy, Randy, Kristy, MJ, Christopher, and John into the WRC! Thus far in 2005, we have 45 new members, a stirring mix of 23 ladies and 22 men. The club member listing has hit 150 members, highest number in recent history (which means more than the last 30 years or so)!

October and November Birthdays! 

We wish a veryHappy Birthday to the following members: Trisha R, Antonia F, Steve A, Christina B, Pascal B, Barry C, Anthony D, Sarah D, Billy F, Elizabeth H, Megan P, Cindi M, Stephen M, Johnny O, Elizabeth O, Jennifer P, Scott S, Derik T, Barb F-W, Dan W, Billy W, and Ed Z. We hope you have a great day, or had one! Cheers!

If you weren’t mentioned and your birthday is in October or November, it’s because we don’t have the date in our records…but happy birthday all the same anyway!

Member Moves

Sara Kupfer Checks In After Her Move Abroad 

Dear WRC-ers:

Just wanted to say hi and pass on my coordinates. My plans to go to England got short-changed (or postponed) by a job offer from an international university center in Zurich, Switzerland. As you can see from the picture below, I’ve already joined some friendly running folks…

All the best to all of you,

Sara (front row yellow top) posing with her new Swiss running partners…
Fiddy2is Born!

Member Dane Rauschenberg to go for 52 marathon finishes in 52 weeks in 2006!

Fiddy2 is Dane Rauschenberg’s quest to run 52 full marathons (26.2 miles) in 2006, with all the proceeds that he raises going to the organization L’Arche-Mobile (L’Arche is an international federation of communities in which people with a mental handicap and those who help them can live, work, and share their lives together). Dane decided to take on the solo task of running 52 marathons, coordinating Fiddy2 as an organization and a website, seeking sponsorship and donations for L’Arche Mobile, as well as promoting the good deeds that L’Arche Mobile (and all the L’Arche communities worldwide) does. Check out his website at the Fiddy2 link.

We’ll be watching Dane with interest as he begins his quest at the Walt Disney World Marathon, January 8th in Orlando, FL. We wish him the best in his quest!

WRC Member Racing
(From 9/13 through 11/07, most recent first)
The WRC shows its team form in Veteran’s 10K! Iron Mike Wardian cranking out the marathons and races, Philippe Rolly runs well in Twin Cities, as does V.P. Gen Kiley, 12 marathons run by 40 in last two months and PRs abound, Lisa Thomas and Steve Tappan complete Ironman Hawaii in impressive fashion, Marie and Kyle hit the Tri’s as well, Wasatch 100-miler conquered by Bryon & Mike, Dave O’Hara wins a couple, many members hit the races in fine form with wins and prs…indeed, racing days are here again! Veteran’s Day 10k, DC, 11/06

Mike in white hat, Yancey in black in middle, Philippe in red shorts
(Photo Washington Running Report)

Gobs of members run the Veteran’s Day 10k in West Potomac Park. Our two WRC teams “WRC” and “WRC TOO” take first and second!

Gen and Philippe lead the troops in an extremely tough field!

Ladies (568 finishers)
9th Gen Kiley 31  36:42
12th Lindsay Goulet 27  37:54 (1st age & PR)
35th Challice Bonifant 27  45:00
39th Adina Wadsworth 37  45:28
120th Caroline Caine 38  50:52
140th Antonia Feldschmied 33  51:49
181st Theresa Grano 27  53:33
200th M J Oboroceanu 43  54:26
287th Jennifer Anthony 29  56:54

Men (653 finishers)
4th Philippe Rolly 35  31:39
6th Mike Wardian 31  32:07
9th Jason Dwyer 26  32:43
11th Garth Terry 26  33:02 (1st age)
15th Max Lockwood 35  33:31 (1st age)
20th Yancey Hall 36  34:29 (2nd age)
22nd David O’Hara 29  34:44
23d Henry Grossmann 34  34:47
28th Jean-Christophe Arcaz 44  35:50 (3d age)
29th Bryon Powell 27  36:02
105th Will Ellison 39  42:03
116th Paul Durbin 40  42:46
136th Bruce Reynolds 55  43:40
161st Robert Trost 59  45:10
172nd Jay Wind 55  45:26
197th James Scarborough 47  46:12

Teams (11 teams competed, open-mixed teams only) 

1st WRC 2:51:02 (avg 34:13)
Scoring (5):
1    31:38  Philippe Rolly    M
2    33:31  Max Lockwood    M
3    34:29  Yancey Hall     M
4    34:44  David O’Hara   M
5    36:40  Genevieve Kiley  F
Also on WRC was Jean-Christophe Arcaz

2. WRC TOO 3:02:01 (avg 36:25)
1    32:42  Jason Dwyer    M
2    33:02  Garth Terry      M
3    34:47  Henry Grossmann    M
4    36:02  Bryon Powell    M
5    45:28  Adina Wadsworth   F
Also on WRC TOO were Will Ellison, Bruce Reynolds, and Jennifer Anthony

ING New York City Marathon, NY 11/06
Emily, Court, and Diana cruise the quiet streets of New York City!

Emily Turner 24  3:20:59
Courtney Fulton 27  3:27:51
Diana Johnson 24  4:10:32

Edgemoor Classic 5k, MD, 11/06

3d Sarah Buckheit 45  23:51

Marine Corps Marathon, VA-DC, 10/30
A slew of WRCers hit the streets in the MCM, some fine performances indeed, congrats to all!

Mike Wardian 31  2:31:14 (12th overall)
Stephen Money 24  2:38:06 (25th overall)
Dane Rauschenberg 29  3:07:25 (pr!)
Mark Drosky 45  3:13:41
Prasad Gerard 45  3:15:06
Jay Wind 55  3:19:17
Robert Toonkel 30  3:33:19
Tom O’Reilly 28  4:10:48
Bob Platt 54  4:17:00

Alicia Burns 23  3:35:45
Jessica Elias 31  3:42:46
Deborah Pressley 4:01:58 (qualified for Boston!)
Amy Sullivan 34  4:12:36 (pr!)
Juli Wohlrab 36  4:12:41 (pr!)
Annamaria Pace 25  4:10:10
Tatiana Ramos 36  4:13:40
Lynn Huang 35  4:25:10
Jennifer Anthony 24  4:57:53
Theresa Grano 27  5:02:42
Amanda Agenes 29  5:02:42

“Please extend a huge THANKS to all the WRCer’s who came out to support the MCM. It was great to see so many familiar faces in the crowd. A special thanks to Caroline & Adina for providing runner support of the truest kind!” –Juli

We note that Bryon, Genevieve, and Bruce also helped out members with pacing and company.

Potomac 5k, MD, 10/29

A race directed by member Tris Kruger!

Sarah Buckheit 45  23:40
James Scarborough 47  24:00

Goblin Gallop 5k, VA, 10/30

One time WRC leader Todd Martin tries to sneak back into town, but we catch him!

3d Philippe Rolly 33  15:50
8th Todd Martin 35  17:12

Hawaii Ironman, 10/15, HI

2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, marathon

Ironwoman Lisa and Ironman Steve show us how it’s done with excellent performances! Congrats to Lisa and Steve!

Lisa Thomas 11:26:11, 35th in 25-29 age

Steve Tappan 10:35:49, 151st in 35-39 age

Baltimore 1/2 Marathon, MD, 10/15

Challice Bonifant 27  1:43:15

Kingstowne 5k, VA, 10/15

Iron Mike wins Kingstowne and then wins the Home Run 10k the next day!

1st Mike Wardian 31  16:19

Home Run 10k, MD, 10/16

1st Mike Wardian 31  32:23

Page’s Run 5k, VA, 10/16

Sarah Buckheit 45  23:50 (3d age)

Staten Island 1/2 Marathon, NY, 10/16

Diana Johnson 23  1:44:47

Rediscovery 10k, VA, 10/16
Dave wins it! (results aren’t online yet)

1st Dave O’Hara 29  34:35
11th Alex Filides 30  38:24
23d Jay Wind 55  45:09
37th James Scarborough 47  49:09

Marathon Recapfor Rob Toonkel’s 3 in 3 weeks:

New Hampshire Marathon (10/1) 3:50:08 (25th overall)
Portland Marathon, OR (10/09) 3:30:42
Siouxland Marathon, IA (10/15) 3:42:05

Chicago Marathon, IL, 10/9
Al slams one under 2:40 and all 4 who run nail PRs!

Al Han 32  2:36:43 (PR by 9 minutes)
Dan Simonds 38  3:06:01 (PR by 9 minutes)
Erica Morton 29  3:24:18 (PR by 5 minutes)
Laura Chipkin 25  3:26:11 (PR)

Steamtown Marathon, PA, 10/9
Iron Mike finishes 3d with another sub 2:30!

3d Mike Wardian 31  2:24:36

Van Metre 5-Mile, VA, 10/8

2nd Max Lockwood 35  26:09
John Rusinko 45  36:42

Elizabeth Ottaway 41  36:55 (3d age group)

Somerset Back to School 8k, MD 10/9
Max wins it, a day after his 2nd place finish!

1st Max Lockwood 35  27:01
6th Alex Fidiles 30  28:52
85th James Scarborough 47  40:15

7th Win Persina 45  34:45 (2nd age)
26th Sarah Buckheit 45  40:58

Cooperative Development 5k, DC, 10/01
Dave wins it!

1st Dave O’Hara 29  16:34
8th Dan Simmonds 38  18:10 (3d age group)
Bruce Reynolds 55  20:54

Sarah Buckheit 45  23:04 (3d age)

Twin Cities Marathon, MN, 10/2
Some super times, the WRC is led by Philippe and VP Gen!

Philippe Rolly  2:26:47 (17th)
Frank Sprtel  2:35:29 (49th)
Pascal Brazey  2:48:21

Genevieve Kiley  2:48:13 (19th)
Lindsay Goulet  3:02:27 (43d) (a big pr!)

Metric Marathon (26.2k), MD, 10/02

Jean-Christophe Arcaz 44  1:42:59 (8th)
Bob Platt 54  2:19:21

Ironman Wisconsin, 9/12, 2.4 swim, 112 bike, 26.2 run

Marie Sandrock: 300/1933, 12:13:46

Reston Triathlon, VA, 9/12, 1 swim, 23 bike, 6.2 run

Kyle Yost: 16/517, 2:09:42

Dewey Beach Triathlon, 9/18, 0.5 swim, 16 bike, 3.4 run

Kyle Yost 9/668, 1:19:52

Navy Federal Credit Union 5k, VA, 9/25

Ex-President Barb wins it, Sarah places in her age.

1st Barb Fallon-Wallace 31  18:27
8th Sarah Buckheit 45  23:48 (3d age group)

Capital 20-Miler, VA, 9/25

Alex Fideles 30  2:08:03 (3d overall)
Jay Wind 55  2:24:24 (3d age group)
James Scarborough 47  2:59:13
Bob Platt 54  3:18:03

Berlin Marathon, Germany, 9/25

Will Ellison runs his debut marathon and hits his goal of under 3:30, by running 3:29:20! Good for 4485th  overall and 1038th in his age group. Hey, there were 36,000 runners there!

ING 18 Mile Marathon Tune Up, NYC, 9/10

Dane Rauschenberg 29  2:05:58 (in from Dane: “if you haven’t ever run in Central Park, that thing is hilly!”)

Wasatch 100 Miler, UT, 9/10

This is a grueling race in Utah…250 started, 100 did not finish…but Bryon Powell and Mike Campbell persevered…Bryon’s our young gun ultra dude and Mike’s our Master rugged & experienced ultra dude.

Bryon Powell 28:18:13
Mike Campbell 31:42:41

This in from Bryon Powell: “I can’t say it was pretty, but I finished the Wasatch 100 in 28:18:13. Although I finished 46th, I don’t  feel bad as I finished just behind the person who held the course record until that day. By far the hardest, nastiest, most unforgiving course I’ve ever run… and that’s saying a lot. In related news, I’m never running again.” 

Mega-ultra member Mike Campbell provides his story at Wasatch…read this and you’ll be glad you were home in comfort!

Montreal Marathon, CA, 9/11
Another sub 2:30 for Iron Mike.

7th Mike Wardian 31  2:27:29

Gulf Coast Relief 5k, VA, 9/17
More than $100k raised! Mike, Frank, and Gen lead the way for the WRC! (5xx men ran, 584 women)

1st Mike Wardian 31  15:48
2nd Frank Sprtel 16:23
7th Yancey Hall 35  17:18
73d Jay Wind 55  20:44

2nd Gen Kiley 31  17:56
4th Lindsay Goulet 27  18:28
107th Juli Wohlrab 36  25:36

Kensington 8k, MD, 9/17

2nd Max Lockwood 35  27:02
6th Jean-Christophe Arcaz 44  28:58 (2nd age)

PVI Runfest 5k, Fairfax, VA, 9/18

3d Mike Wardian 31  15:37
Jay Wind 55  20:49 (1st age group)
James Scarborogh 47  24:31

Sarah Buckheit 45  24:07 (3d age group)

Philadelphia Distance Run, PA, 9/18

Dane Rauschenberg 29  1:26:55
Laura Chipken 25  1:43:29

Fitness Magazine Mind, Body, and Spirit 4-mile, NYC, 9/18

Depite a stiletto incident which left her with a bone bruise and a sprained ankle, Diana’s off to a running start in NYC.

39th Diana Johnson 24  29:19 (“Send my best to the WRC!  I should be back for the Army 10-miler, but I miss WRC!”)

Montana Marathon, MT, 9/18 

Rob Toonkel 3:31:02 (2nd age)

Tupelo Marathon, 9/4

Rob Toonkel 3:47:23

Great running everyone! We sincerely apologize if we missed any member places or races. Let us know if so. 

Club Activities

Volunteering Efforts

President Thanks Volunteers! WRC Head Honcho Steve Baker, on behalf of the WRC, thanks the following members for their volunteering duties during the Army 10-Miler and Veteran’s Day 10k.

Army 10-Miler: Charles Manahan, Dan Simmonds, Dave Oberholtzer, and the prez Steve himself.

Veteran’s Day 10k: James Scarborough, Juli Wohlrab, Amy Sullivan, Steve Baker, Steve Money, Jessica Elias, & Jim Wadsworth.

Track Workouts are Back ON! 

Track is back at Washington-Lee High School in Arlington on Wednesday evenings with a warmup beginning at 6:00pm or so, and the speed intervals beginning at 6:30pm. We meet at the bleachers at the opposite side of the track entrance gate from the parking lot.
Directions to Washington-Lee High School (track is both car and metro accessable).

Check out the track workout page for more info. Members receive the weekly workout recommendation via the weekly email update.

Sunday Distance Runs

Sunday Distance Runs are most often run along the Capital Crescent Trail, C&O Canal, or in Rock Creek Park. We meet close to the corner of 33d Street on M Street, NW, 1 &1/2 blocks from the Key Bridge, and near the orange Cingular awning. Directions to the Run (all welcome to join us!)  Distance Run Info and Directions

After the run, we reconvene at Dean & Deluca’s where all kinds of drinks are the order of the morn. We also attempt to solve all wordly problems, such as, who’s on first, what’s on second?
Other Sports News

In the football world, Terrell Owens, that oh so tempormental yet supremely talented Philadelphia Eagle, finds out there is no “I” in team, but there is “me” if you spell it as tame. If he had only emulated that latter term, he might have been available to help the Eagles against the Skins last weekend, and for the rest of the season. But Yay Skins!

Nice abs Terrell…almost as hard as many a distance runner’s!

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