WRC Club News
December 13, 2004
Items of interest: new members, birthdays, Wardian sets World Record, member race results, fall marathon recap, club activities – marathon tawk, track, distance run, dues due, year-end party, death of a legend, closing year-end, year-beginning questions, and the Capitol Holiday Tree
WRC People News
New Members:
Jennifer Graetz, 29, DC
Puja Jawahar, 26, DC
Margo Harrison, 21, DC
Diana Hill, 42, Springfield, VA
Billy Fisher III, 25, Arlington, VA
Louis Lerman, 33, Arlington, VA
We welcome Jennifer, Puja, Margo, Diana, Billy, and Louis into the WRC! Forty new members in 2004, 21 ladies and 19 gents!
December Birthdays!
We wish a Happy December Birthday to the following members: VP Steve B, Michael P, Lisa T, and Dave S.
The club also wishes all membershappy holidays and good cheer for the New Year!
WRC Member Racing
(From 11/20 through 12/12)
Registration for next April’s Cherry Blossom 10-Miler Now Open For Those Interested
Michael Wardian sets Treadmill Marathon World Record!
On Saturday, December 11th, a week after finishing the St. Jude Marathon in 2:26 (see below), Iron Mike Wardian hopped upon a treadmill in front of the new Pacers Store in Clarendon and proceeded to set the world record, running the marathon distance of 26.2 miles in 2:23:58. Great job Mike!
Fellow WRC member and pal Frank Sprtel claps and cheers as Iron Mike humbly churns away… | Mike’s final time captured for all to see! | Mike making it look easy… |
Mike celebrating with Pacers Store owner and
fellow local runner Chris Farley
This news item in from member Jay Wind: At the grand opening of the new Pacers store at 3100 Clarendon Boulevard in Arlington VA on Saturday, December 11, Michael Wardian, 30, of Arlington, set a new world record for a 26.2-mile marathon on a treadmill, running 2 hours, 23 minutes, and 58 seconds, breaking Josh Cox’s 2:31:04, set at the Boston Marathon pre-race expo on April 17, 2004.
After starting around 5 minutes and 30 seconds per mile, Wardian’s last few miles averaged 5 minutes per mile. By the finish, he was surrounded by a cheering crowd including fellow U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials qualifiers Edmund Burke, Eric Kean, and Heather Hanscom.
Rick and Kathy Freedman of Capital Running Company served as official timers. After 60 minutes of running, the treadmill’s odometer stopped. As Wardian continued running, the Freedmans reset the odometer to run non-stop, then calculated the distance not measured. Just in case, Wardian kept running after 2:23:58 until the treadmill’s odometer displayed an even 26.2 miles, and that clock time also broke Cox’s record by three minutes.
“It’s the longest I ever ran without going anywhere,” smiled Wardian after his marathon effort.
Rudolph’s Red Nose 10k, Fairfax, VA, 12/11
On a rigorous course and among 512 finishers, four WRC masters men do the club proud, with Jean-Christophe and George leading the way in 2nd and 3d places overall!
2nd Jean-Christophe Arcaz 43 36:06
3d George Buckheit 47 36:24
41st Bruce Reynolds 54 44:54
49th Jay Wind 54 46:00
St. Jude Marathon, Memphis, TN, 12/04
Mike adds another sub 2:30 marathon to his running resume.
9th Michael Wardian 30 2:26:54
Tucson Marathon, Tucson, AR, 12/05
New member Daniel runs well in Tucson.
Daniel Simonds 37 3:13:39
Gar Williams 1/2 Marathon, Alexandria, VA, 12/4
Some of our accomplished WRC Veteran members run long and well!
Jay Wind 54 1:33:09
Bob Trost 58 1:39:08
Bob Platt 53 1:49:49
James Scarborough 46 1:50:46
Alexandria 5-Mile Turkey Trot, VA, 11/25
A bunch of WRCers ran this trot among 1,859 finishers (715 women & 1144 men). Genevieve and Mike led the way for the WRC.
5th Genevieve Kiley 30 30:13
33d Laura Chipkin 24 36:39
98th Jennifer Popovic 30 40:15
6th Michael Wardian 30 26:20
14th Pascal Brazey 36 27:34
19th Henry Grossmann 33 28:26
52nd Dan Wallace 39 30:48
86th Will Ellison 38 33:00
134th Bob Trost 58 34:45
142nd Bruce Reynolds 54 34:57
143d Jay Wind 54 34:57
227th James Scarborough 46 37:24
254th Steve Baker 43 38:18
321st Bob Platt 53 39:35
YMCA Turkey Chase 10k, Bethesda MD, 11/25
Sharon captures first place in a big field with Maria close behind.
2,413 runners finish (1,071 women & 1,342 men)
1st Sharon Donovan 30 39:08
6th Maria Kozloski 39 41:52
8th Emily Turner 23 43:05
25th Diana Johnson 23 46:04
7th Jean-Christophe Arcaz 43 35:55
Sharon cruising in 1st… | Maria running hard… |
Emily moving along…
VA Run Turkey Trot 5k, Centreville VA, 11/25
Sarah & Bob “master” the trot…
Sarah Buckheit 44 22:09
Bob Platt 53 22:52
Philadelphia Marathon 11/21
Casey grabs 3d place and a big pr! Al gets a new pr by more than 8 minutes! Old codgers Jim and Dave scuffle with cramps, but still bring it to completion.
Casey Smith 25 2:45:23 (3d place overall!)
Al Han 31 2:43:04
Jim Wadsworth 47 3:11:17
Dave Keating 44 3:27:44
Outback 8k, 11/20
Excellent performances turned in during one dang competitive race!
13th Mike Wardian 30 25:32
29th Pascal Brazey 35 27:22
34th Jean-Christophe Arcaz 43 27:54
41st Henry Grossmann 33 28:30
104th Jay Wind 54 33:40
121st Bob Platt 53 39:08
JFK 50-Miler, 11/21
…take the long way home…
7th Jim Hage 46 6:37:32
76th Michael Campbell 54 8:21:04
91st Prasad Gerard 46 8:30:10
Cranberry Crawl 5k & 10k, 11/20
Will busts the 20 minute barrier! (see, all those track workouts do work…)
Will Ellison 38 19:37
Bob Trost 58 20:48
Sarah Buckheit 44 21:57
13th Jay Wind 54 42:14
24th James Scarborough 46 49:49
GWU Turkey Trot 5k, 11/20
Brian reports that the course was a tad short, but hey, a win’s a win.
1st Brian Tefft 23 15:33
Marathon in the Parks, 11/14
Back fresh after his honeymoon, Iron Mike wins for the 2nd year in a row, while Jay and Dane run well in another after completing a very hot MCM two weeks ago.
1st Mike Wardian 30 2:32:13
33d Jay Wind 54 3:10:33
50th Dane Rauschenberg 28 3:19:05
Liver Foundation 5k, DC, 11/13
Sarah wins her age group!
Sarah Buckheit 44 22:29 (1st age group)
Race for Research 5k, DC, 11/14
Anthony bests the field! Amy continues her comeback from injury.
Anthony Belber 31 17:01 – 1st overall!
Amy Sullivan 33 33:59
Old Reliable 5k, Raleigh, NC, 11/14
Will goes home and just misses breaking the 20 minute mark
20th Will Ellison 38 20:06
New York Marathon, 11/7
Philly connection and master Mike run well in NY!
Mike McGrath 44 3:10:12
Fall Marathon Recap – Many members proudly ran, conquered, and enjoyed their tough efforts! (Mike gets his own column for obvious reasons)
Chicago (10/10)* | Marine Corps (10/31)** | Marathon in the Parks (11/14) | Philadelphia (11/21) | Mike Wardian | Others |
Mike Proulx 29 3:10:41* | Jay Wind 54 3:05:30** | Mike Wardian 30 2:32:13 | Al Han 31 2:43:04 | Montreal (9/12) 2:29:39 6th | New Mexico (9/5): Bob Platt 53 3:52:52 |
Emily Turner 23 3:12:39* | Mark Drosky 44 3:15:05** | Jay Wind 54 3:10:33 | Casey Smith 25 2:45:23 | Toronto Waterfront Scotio (9/26) 2:30:01 | New York (11/17) Mike McGrath 44 3:10:12 |
Diana Johnson 23 3:24:39* | Prasad Gerard 46 3:20:30** | Dane Rauschenberg 28 3:19:05 | Jim Wadsworth 47 3:11:17 | Baltimore (10/16) 2:27:41 | Tucson (12/05) Daniel Simonds 37 3:13:39 |
Erica Morton 28 3:29:10* | Laura Chipkin 24 3:30:00 | Dave Keating 44 3:27:44 | Marathon in the Parks (11/14) 2:32:13 1st | ||
Challice Bonifant 26 3:36:08* | Dane Rauschenberg 28 3:31:00 | St. Jude Marathon, Memphis, TN (12/04) 2:26:54 9th | |||
Mike Campbell 54 3:39:03 | Treadmill World Record (12/11) 2:23:58 | ||||
Charles Manahan 37 3:45:05 | |||||
Dan Wallace 38 3:48:06 | |||||
Bob Platt 53 4:12:05 | |||||
JulyWohlrab 35 4:46:04 | |||||
Lynn Huang 34 4:50:01 |
* WRC Dream team placed 15th out of 217 open teams in Chicago.
** WRC placed 3d in the men’s masters team division at MCM.
We humbly apologize if we missed any member places or races. Let us know if so. Great running all!
Club Running and Activities
Marathon Group Discussion Forthcoming
Now that the fall marathons are done and some members are planning spring ones or others later in the year, we plan on having a group meeting for members to gather and discuss their marathon training, results, and experiences.
This will be a rather informal gathering where we will invite people to come to share their training plans and race experiences focusing on what worked for them, what didn’t work, what they think works best, etc. This will allow for people to get some ideas on what to do or try for their next marathon outing.
Boston Marathon Email Group Started – because a number of members will be off to Boston to run the marathon on April 18, 2005, the club has begun a Boston email group so we can keep apprised of each other’s training and travel plans. If you’re heading to Boston and would like to be part of the group, send an email to be included.
Track Nights Going Smoothly Into the Dark
Track nights are on Wednesday evenings…to take advantage of the lights at Washington-Lee High School in Arlington.
The club now meets at the beginning of the bleachers on the side of the track opposite the entrance gate. Because the track is crowded on Wednesdays, please remember track etiquette – when not running an interval, move to the outside lanes to let those running fast to have the inside lanes.
Some WRC track stalwarts of late include Adina, Erica, Laura, Diana, Kelly, Emily, Jennifer, Puja, Genevieve, Steve, Dane, Will, Pascal, Yancy, Bart, Jim, Bryon, among a few others.
Sunday Distance Runs
Sunday Distance Runs are usually pounded out all along the Capital Crescent Trail, C&O Canal, or Rock Creek Park.
However, this Sunday, December 19th, will be the annual Christmas tree run through DC (starting per usual from Georgetown), led by Mike Proulx, for those interested in doing that loop.
The club has seen good sized Sunday showings lately…some often seen include Erica, Adina, Emily, Diana, Kelly, Lynn, Puja, Laura, Genevieve, Puja, Gerry, Steve, Tris, Pascal, Will, Jim, Yancy, Philip, Dave, Brian, among others.
The formal WRC Sunday distance run is cancelled Sunday, December 26th, though a sparse showing may occur anyway.
Membership Renewal Reminder
Dues are officially due inl January so members are encouraged to renew anytime. Dues collected now will cover the entire 2005 year.
Two options for renewals and new memberships. For renewing your membership and paying dues, you now have two options. The traditional mail-in way, or online through a secure server at active.com. If you’ve been tardy with your dues, please think of renewing now. Online registration Mail in registration
Of course, prospective members reading this are welcome to join by either method also. Joining now takes you all the way through December, 2005 (Dues: $15 individual; $25 family). Thanks, your fellow members all appreciate your membership and commitment to the WRC!
Year-End Party Being Planned
Your WRC officers have begun planning the year-end party, likely to be held in late January or early February.
- Subsidized by club, low member fee for food
- Likely at Rhodeside Grill, Arlington
- Recognition, awards, election, cheer
Stay tuned for details and an invitation once the date, time, and place are formalized.
Death of a Coaching Legend – Arthur Lydiard 1917-2004
“Arthur Lydiard is one of the outstanding athletics coaches of all time. He has produced many Olympic medal winners and world record breakers. Lydiard is the man whose simple gospel of hard work and enthusiasm can make any runner, no matter in what part of the world they may live, run faster and farther.”
From the Lydiard New Zealand Site.
Winning the New Zealand Marathon in 1953
For more, see story in The New Zealand Herald
…ya’ll better have been good…
by having run run run throughout the year…
Who’ll have had 2.004 miles or more in 2004!?
Who’s up for going for 2,005 miles or more in 2005?
Happy Chanukah….Merry Christmas!
The Capitol Holiday Tree!
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WRC Logo© Design by Danny C. Royer