Club News, March 1, 2004

The WRC News, March 2004

People news, member racing, Wardian going longer, we’re all Irish on this day,
Sunday running, track, orations of the running fool kind, and the LA Marathon twist

People News
New Members

We’ve had a bright and bountiful beginning to new membership thus far in 2004. To recap, the following folks have joined:

Samantha Newbold, 24, Washington, DC
Kerith McFadden, 34, Washington, DC
Alvaro Prada, 33, Washington, DC
Brian Stickel, 27, Washington, DC
Amy Sullivan, 32, Arlington, VA
George Buckheit, 46, Reston, VA
Brian Tefft, 23, Washington, DC
Pascal Brazey, 35, Washington, DC
Abdellatif Kabbaj, 29, Potomac, MD

We welcome all these fine new runners to the WRC and look forward to running and racing with them all soon!


Many members have recently renewed your dues for the 2004 running year and we greatly thank you for that! If you yet haven’t, we still want you, yep we do!

Member Mix

Here are some statistics of the told kind about the WRC membership:

Female: 38%
Male: 62%

Age ranges
19 and under: 3%
20-29: 30%
30-39: 36%
40-49: 21%
50-59: 8%
60-69: 1%
70 & above: 1%

Washington, DC: 38%
Virginia: 49%
Maryland: 9%
Other States or overseas: 4%

Singin and Sangin

Because she’s not busy enough with grad school, working, and running, Courtney Fulton has joined a new band, Champagne and Caviar, of which we recently learned. Seems they do weddings and other festivities where a band of sangers is required.

This conjures up movie memories: “Doo, I want to be a sanger.” (Sissy Spacek in Coal Miner’s Daughter, story of Loretta Lynn)

Back to Courtney…if you want to check out some song clips of Champagne and Caviar and hear Courtney, check out:

They sound gewd!

Member Racing Info

GW Birthday 10k on Saturday, Feb 14th
Eleven WRCers ran this 10k, and solid places and performances were turned in among the 396 finishers.

4th Lisa Thomas 28 37:16 (2nd age)
7th Sharon Donovan 29 38:29
10th Maria Kozloski 38 39:44
14th Emily Turner 22 41:31
22nd Sarah Buckheit 43 45:27
26th Diana Johnson 22 47:52

7th Michael Wardian 29 32:24
15th George Buckheit 46 34:43 (2nd age)
52nd Jay Wind 54 40:16
84th Bruce Reynolds 53 43:39
131st James Scarborough 45 47:59

By George 5k & 10k, Washington, DC, Sat, 2/21

Ten pie-thirsty WRCers took to Hains Point in East Potomac Park to run the By George 5k & 10k races. We note that the race sufficed as a quick tempo workout for many, but still, some good times resulted and the end result were pies (as age group prizes) for all!

5k Women:
2nd Lisa Thomas 28 18:47
3d Sharon Donovan 25 18:56
5th Win Persina 43 19:42
6th Maria Kozloski 38 20:00
7th Adina Wadsworth 36 21:18
8th Sarah Buckheit 43 22:06

5k Men:
7th Derik Thomas 38 18:39
9th George Buckheit 46 18:57
15th Jay Wind

10k Men:
8th Bob Platt 52 46:57

42nd Washington’s Birthday Marathon & Relay
Beltsville, Md, 2/22

Jay Wind frolicked his way to an overall 2nd place on the rollicking course.

2nd Jay Wind 54 3:11:24
11th Presad Girard 45 3:21:07
16th Michael Campbell 54 3:31:38

In the marathon relay consisting of 3 loops of varying distances, the WRC fielded two fun women’s open teams which placed 4th and 5th!

4th WRC Speedy Senoritas 3:31:41 (Courtney Fulton, Erica Morton, Ashley Etue)

5th WRC DC Dames 3:38:11 (Kelly Ferraro, Dawn Miner, Diana Johnson)

We also note that members Bob Trost, Roberto Rodriguez, and James Scarborough ran on relay teams as well.

Colonial Williamsburg 1/2 Marathon, Williamsburg, VA, 2/22

Two of our outstanding runners ventured south to trod over the rolling hills of Williamsburg. Casey and Mike showed the colonials a thing or two and came away with two overall 3d place finishes!

3d in Women: Casey Smith 24 1:18:52

3d in Men: Michael Wardian 29 1:09:22

Great running all! (we apologize if we missed anyone)

Wardian To Charge Toward 100k Team!

Michael Wardian, fresh off his olympic marathon trials debut, is now considering making a run for the 2004 National 100k team to be determined at the 2004 National Championship 100k in LaGrange, Wisconsin, on Sunday April 4th.

Said Mike:
” If I finish in the top three (3) I get to run in the “World 100K Championships” on September 11, 2004 in the Netherlands…I think this is a cool opportunity and don’t want to pass it up.”

We gotta like how Mike says “get to run.” We say, have at it Mike, if indeed you must.

Message from the President
St. Paddy’s Day 10K Volunteers Needed!

From President Barb: The time has come again that the WRC is in need of your support. Volunteers are needed to assist with packet pick-up and race day registration for the annual St. Patrick’s Day 10K race in downtown DC.

The race is being held on Sunday, March 14th at 9:30 am. Volunteers are needed for packet pick-up on BOTH Friday and Saturday, along with race day registration on Sunday. The packet pick-up and registration are being held indoors at the Marriott at Metro Center (775 12th St., NW (between G and H streets). The times are as follows:

Friday, March 12th: 12 noon until 6pm
Sat., March 13th: 11-4
Sunday, March 14th: 7:30-9:15am

Please e-mail Barb at if you can help out with this event. Please specify what day and times (3 hour increments) you would like to work (i.e., Sat. 11-2). This is a lot of fun…you get to see runners of all types and fonts!

If you’ve already responded…thanks so much! If you haven’t yet, there’s still time!

This member is already in a St. Paddy’s Day mood!
Club Running Activities and Stuff
Sunday Distance Run

The WRC’s Sunday distance run starts at 8 am on M Street (3300 block) in Georgetown. Distances range between 10 and 16 miles, dependent on who shows and who wants to do what.

It’s warming up (we think), come on out! Join the likes of Gerry, Steve, Jim, Tris, Brian, Ryan, Ed, Yancy, Mike, Erica, Courtney, Adina, Emily, Diana, Sara, Kelly, and other striders and stragglers!

Distance run info and directions

After running we regroup at Dean & DeLuca on M Street for drinks, food, and whatnot of the chatting kind.

Track at Washington-Lee High School

Wednesday is Track night. The WRC track group is working its way into full swing again with a decent number of dedicated members showing to run their stuff, and stuff their runs on Wednesday evenings. With warm weather approaching, may the fun continue.

Thanks go to Adina for coordinating the general workouts and to Win for helping devise them. Yancy Hall has shown interest of late to help with the general track workouts and member training. Stay tuned for more on that for those of you looking for some help with training. Also, we note that new member George Buckheit is privately coaching a number of our fast women.

Because it’s a popular night, due to the lights for one thing, there are scads of runners there from various clubs. To make things easier, we strive to get started earlier, aiming for a start time of 6:20. If you can’t make it that early, just show up when you can.

For more info on WRC track workouts, the track page says a thing or two.

Other Stuff

Dreams of Oration

The WRC was recently contacted by a prestigious athletic group (we can’t say who it is for we’re not quite sure they’re legit…we’ll be checking further on that) interested in finding speakers to invite to their national symposium to discuss, as they put it, “synergizing one’s everyday life with one’s distance running life.” After some head-scratching contemplation, the WRC decided to offer up some members and potential topics for the prestigious group to consider, if indeed, the presitigious group – Running Is Fun Unless You Hate It – actually does exist. Here are some of the suggestions a few members made:

  • David Young: “keeping the running close to home and one eye on your car!”
  • Casey Smith: “tax data and running minutes…addition is da bomb!”
  • Tris Kruger: “my calves are killing me, but that’s alright, I drill zee teeth!”
  • Erica Morton: “the marathon and the man, the distance can be brutal.”
  • Mike Wardian: “running around, through, and all over that time-consuming have-to-work-for-a-living habit.”
  • Win Persina: “blending speed and exuberance into one cool package.”
  • Ryan Rodenberg: “using running as a means to find easy-to-ace tennis partners.”
  • Dr. Marie Sandrock: “running away from those pesky optical properties of nanoparticle pair structures.”
  • Yancy Hall: “running as a happy medium in a dawg-call-out-the-dawg world.”

Key: David had his car stolen from Adams Morgan, not once, but twice! Casey spends her work time as an accountant…and records her running in minutes. Tris, the club resident dentist, has been getting his sore calves worked on week in and week out by Prez Barb. Erica’s bf recently relocated to Chicago. Mike’s known for his running and his running, and his running. Win is known for fast running and great vocal support. Ryan, a regular at the Sunday runs has a passion for tennis. Marie, our biochemist PhDer. Yancy is of dawg calling fame.

LA Marathon Throws a Twist Into It’s Thon!

BATTLE OF THE SEXES: In L.A., John Ortega reports that the L.A. Marathon will use a new format Sunday called “The Challenge.” The elite women’s field will “start about 20 minutes ahead of the elite men’s field, and a $50,000 bonus will be awarded to the first runner — male or female — to cross the finish line.”

Running expert Toni Reavis said, “Boston has got veneration and tradition. New York has the whole five boroughs thing. And Chicago has that world-record course. This format gives L.A. something that no one else has got” (L.A. TIMES, 3/2).

We’ll have to watch this one closely. Should make for an interesting story…stay tuned.

Thanks much for reading, or perusing, or what it is you do!
Disclaimer: Club News is designed to inform, enlighten, and sometimes amuse. We make no guarantee that this stuff is completely accurate, or even bears a passing resemblance to reality. We also don’t guarantee that your sense of humor will always be tickled. But alas, we try.

Have anything to contribute? Please do so. Write to newsmaster at:
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Interested in the WRC? Some pages to tell you more:
Membership Info
History and Recognition
Track Workouts
Sunday Distance Run
Racing Page

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WRC – Speed & Defiance in the Nation’s Capital Since 1976.