Greetings, my fellow WRC-ers,
I’m pleased to be writing to you as the Washington Running Club’s newest president and excited to join the WRC board for another year of running and socializing with our great club! I’d also like to thank Kirk Masterson for his two years of service to WRC as president – they are certainly big shoes to fill.
On Saturday, January 17, WRC held it’s annual meeting and party which lended itself to productive club discussions as well as lighthearted conversation catching up with friends both new and old. Many thanks to our VP, Carla Freyvogel, for hosting the party in her beautiful home and for serving wonderful meals and drinks – perhaps we should double as a cooking club?
Club Goals for 2015
Without further ado, let’s lay out some of our goals for the next year based on feedback from club members.
- Increase participation on the WRC board: the WRC board is the heartbeat of the club. While we have several positions already filled – including President, Vice President, Chief Information Officer, Treasurer, Social and Outreach Coordinator, and Race Manager – we need more support for other important positions, such as Secretary and Run Coordinator, to name a few. Click here to learn more about the positions and send an email to me at if you’re interested in joining the board!
- Grow the Sunday Distance Run pace groups: WRC is growing and that’s great news for our Sunday Distance Runs. A greater number of runners means greater opportunity to have a running partner and improve your running overall. We plan to do this by continuing to embrace the greater DC running community and welcoming runners of all levels.
- Socialize more!: running forms great bonds, but there’s something special about seeing your best running friends out of uniform (in non-running clothes) for the first time! This year, we’ll have more happy hours, outings, and special runs, volunteer opportunities, and it will be posted on our club calendar so you can plan for our events.
How can I help?
Join the board or organize an event: there’s a lot you can do to give back to the club! Whether it’s joining the board or organizing a happy hour, you can dedicate as much or as little time as you want – everything helps. Reach out to with your ideas.
Represent WRC at a race: signed up for any races? Join the WRC racing team! Send an email to our Race Coordinator, Julia Taylor, at to learn more.
On behalf of the WRC Board, thank you so much for your membership, camaraderie, and commitment to running. We have a lot to look forward to in the coming year and I am thrilled to be sharing it with you!
See you on Sunday,