WRC’s namesake, George, is pretty much booked for the entire weekend, especially given all that’s happening with the club. On Saturday at 8 AM, he’s leading the 2013 Board Members on a trail run through Scott’s Run Nature Preserve, the site of the very fun Spin in the Woods (XC) 8K which is held in April. Then around 9 AM, George will trade in his unforgiving minutes on a stopwatch for minutes written with a space pen, as he attends the kickoff board meeting, while being graciously hosted by WRC’s VP, Carla, at her home in McLean, VA.
Paperwork finally in order, George will hardly have time for a disco nap before pursuing an ambitious Sunday tricorne:
- the regular Sunday Distance Run,
- racing against Drew and Christine, for points at the first event on the Grand Prix schedule (George Washington Birthday Classic 10K, 8 AM, Alexandria),
- reporting to General Yi and racing the anchor leg with WRC teammates and Dojo-istas (George Washington Birthday Marathon and Relay, 10:30 AM, Greenbelt, MD)
One can only sympathize with the guy, if good old George doesn’t feel very much like pushing product (e.g. mattresses, appliances, late model cars, cupcakes) on Monday’s observance of his birthday, and opts instead to take an ice bath and a day off.