WRC Club News
Weekly Email Archives of February 2007
This page contains archives of pertinent information from the weekly email updates for the month of Februrary, 2007. To recieve the weekly email updates each week when they are sent out, you must be a current member of the WRC. So come on, join us!
WRC UPDATE – WEEK OF February 5th 2007
1. WRC Year-End Party This Saturday
2. Track Wednesday Eve (2/07)
3. Sunday Distance Run (2/11)
4. Member and Misc. Stuff
1. WRC YEAR-END PARTY THIS SATURDAY! The evite has gone out for the WRC year end party. Please rsvp as we need an accurate count. We’re at 63 and counting! Here are the details:
When: Saturday, February 10th, 2007
Time: Begins at 6:15 pm…club meeting and member recognition ceremony starts at about 8 p.m.
Where: Boulevard Woodgrill, Arlington (we’re in the room downstairs, not in main restaurant areas)
What: Bash to celebrate the 2006 running year
Cost: $10 per person for food (majority of price subsidized by club); cash bar
If you did not receive the evite, let us know. Please rsvp on the evite, or email the club if you prefer (wrc03dc@yahoo.com).
2. TRACK WORKOUT (Wednesday 2/07) Bitter cold out, proceed only if you’re a glutton for punishment.
We meet on Wednesday evening at the Washington-Lee High School track. The speed workout begins at 6:30pm. Show up earlier to warm up a couple of miles if you can. See the website for directions.
Parking is a bit difficult because the school is being renovated and the parking lot is closed. Park on the streets nearby, but be respectful of those that live in the neighborhood please. Of course, the school is metro accessable (Ballston metro stop).
NOTE. Given that there are other clubs and runners using the track Wednesday evenings and it tends to get crowded, the WRC meets at the bleachers on the side OPPOSITE of where the bathrooms are located.
This week’s (2/06) suggested workouts:
– No workout provided – if you go, keep warm and don’t pull a muscle (so keep it mild)!
3. SUNDAY DISTANCE RUN (2/11) – The Sunday long run group meets at the 3300 block of M Street in Georgetown at 8:00 a.m. (1.5 blocks down from the Key Bridge). Parking is plentiful on M Street. See the website (washrun.org) for directions to the run if you need them.
After the run, we regroup at Dean & Deluca on M Street to recover with hot and cold drinks, crumpets, and chatter. Make sure you have dry clothes to change into as it can be quite chilly in the coffee area.
It’s been cold, so bundle up!
A. New Members. The club welcomes Marr Tarres of VA and Brandon Wilmoth of DC into the club!
WRC UPDATE – WEEK OF February 12th 2007
1. WRC Year-End Party Held – election and recognition results
2. Race Results
3. Track Wednesday Eve (2/14) [Watch the weather]
4.. Sunday Distance Run (2/18) [GW Birthday Relay]
5. Member and Misc. Stuff
1. WRC YEAR-END PARTY HELD – Officers Elected, Members Recognized!
Adina Wadsworth and Erica Morton elected President and Vice President! We look forward to their leadership! Rounding out the leadership team is Bart Forsyth as Secretary and James Scarborough as Treasurer.
Numerous awards given!
Gift certificates to Pacers Running Store were given to our major award winners, which were:
Male Runners of the Year
– Dane Raushenberg (52 marathons in 52 weeks, avg time: 3:21, best time: 2:59)
– Max Lockwood (Boston 2:33 pr, 4 ten milers in 56 min range, other quality races)
Female Runners of the Year
– Lindsay Goulet (Chicago 2:55, joined WRC best marathon list)
– Elizabeth Jones (prolific racer, quality times, marathon, number of wins)
Master Runner of the Year
– Jean-Christophe Arcaz (1st master Veterans 10k 35:40, many excellent times, 58:48 10-miler)
Alfred tomFelde Trophy
– Stephen Baker (our outgoing president) Thanks for your leadership and all your work Steve!
The club also recognized a number of members for their excellent performances for 2006.
Special Recognition
– Marie Sandrock (Philadelphia 3:09, Philadelphia Half 1:27)
– Jessica Marquis (Boston 3:23 PR)
– Lucy Nottingham (Chicago 3:27 PR)
– Michael Wardian (Steamtown 2:22, Cherry Blossom 53:27, other excellent races/thons)
– Dave O’Hara (Cherry Blossom 55:17, some excellent 5ks)
– Kevin Grasmick (Chicago 2:40 PR)
– Henry Grossmann (Richmond 2:54 PR)
– Frank Sprtel (Cherry Blossom 54:44, GW Pkwy 54:09)
– Bryon Powell (Potomac 2:47 PR, two 100 milers)
– Will Schaffer (Captial 20m 2:08 1st, 5k win in Boston 16:28, MCM 3:00)
Special Recognition Honorable Mentions
– Casey Smith (36:19 Sallie Mae 10k)
– Juli Wohlrab (3:57 Chicago PR)
– Laura Chipken (11:51 Chesapeake Ironman Tri)
– Challice Bonifant (2 good marathons)
– Adina Wadsworth (20:54 5k PR, Turkey 5m 34:33)
– Erica Morton (two good marathons)
– Lance Crist (3:06 Chicago)
– Tom O’Reilly (3:05 Chicago PR)
– Dan Simonds (3:01 Chicago PR)
– Mike Mills (prolific racer, Backyard Burn series 3d place)
– Will Ellison (3:16 Chicago PR)
– Kyle Yost (10:15 Lake Placid Ironman, 2 other good tri’s)
– Bart Forsyth (59:52 Cherry Blossom, VA Spring Tri 2nd place)
– Mike Proulx (11:49 Vineman Ironman)
These names have been added to the WRC history and member recognition page: http://www.washrun.org/about-us/top-club-marathoners/
Congratulations to all these members for their excellent performances! We know many other members had some great efforts last year also…kudos to all of you!
Holiday Lake 50K++, Holiday Lake Park, VA, 2/10/07
4th Bryon Powell 28 4:20:03
Custis 12K, Arlington , VA , Feb. 3, 2007
Jay Jacob Wind 57 50:50
Robert Trost 60 54:50
Bob Platt 55 56:55
Uwharrie Mountain Run 40 Miler Uwharrie National Forest, NC, Feb. 3, 2007
5th Bryon Powell 28 6:52:28
Pacific Shoreline Marathon, Huntington Beach , Calif. , Feb. 4, 2007
Prolific marathoner Rob finishes his 100th marathon!
Rob Toonkel 3:37:21
“When you have got an elephant by the hind leg, and he is trying to get away, it’s best to let him run” –Abraham Lincoln
3. TRACK WORKOUT (Wednesday 2/14) If the weather is bad (i.e., significant ice/snow accumulation) the track will likely be closed. Of course, if it’s just rain tomorrow and not freezing, it could be open. Play it by ear/sight.
We meet on Wednesday evening at the Washington-Lee High School track. The speed workout begins at 6:30pm. Show up earlier to warm up a couple of miles if you can. See the website for directions.
Parking is a bit difficult because the school is being renovated and the parking lot is closed. Park on the streets nearby, but be respectful of those that live in the neighborhood please. Of course, the school is metro accessable (Ballston metro stop).
NOTE. Given that there are other clubs and runners using the track Wednesday evenings and it tends to get crowded, the WRC meets at the bleachers on the side OPPOSITE of where the bathrooms are located.
This week’s (2/14) workout (if track is open):
4-5 x 1 mile, 400m rest
“Identify your personal limits and then push past them. Then set new barriers, and repeat the process, again and again and again.” –Nicole Haislett (Olympic gold medalist swimmer)
4. SUNDAY DISTANCE RUN (2/18) – The Sunday long run group meets at the 3300 block of M Street in Georgetown at 8:00 a.m. (1.5 blocks down from the Key Bridge). Parking is plentiful on M Street. See the website (washrun.org) for directions to the run if you need them.
After the run, we regroup at Dean & Deluca on M Street to recover with hot and cold drinks, crumpets, and chatter. Make sure you have dry clothes to change into as it can be quite chilly in the coffee area.
We had 16 runners last week in the cold–yet nice–running conditions!
[The George Washington Birthday Marathon Relay race is being held on Sunday, Feb 18th in Greenbelt, MD, starting at 10:30 a.m. Three person teams in co-ed (at least 1 woman), open men, open women, masters men, masters women can be entered. The legs are 9.7 miles, 7.3 miles, and 9.2 miles. For more information: http://dcroadrunners.org/gwmarathon/gwmarathon.html It is $60 for a team entry. This is late notice, but if anyone is interested in being on a WRC team, let us know a.s.a.p.]
“Believing in yourself is everything. If you don’t believe in what you can do, it’s almost impossible to achieve it.” –Sylvie Bernier
A. RUNNING TIP – Ensure a Safe Landing (from Runners World Online)
Tripping over curbs, potholes, or other racers is always a possibility. But the risk of falling increases when winter hits and roadways freeze. Which is why we want you to learn the correct way to fall. Now, don’t misunderstand: We don’t want you to go out and literally practice. When you fall, you don’t think. You react. So just rehearse these instructions in your mind a few times. If these tips exist somewhere in your subconscious, then you might fall correctly and minimize injury.
AVOID A FACE PLANT: Tuck your chin, turn your head, and avoid attempting to break the fall with your hands
SIDESTEP TROUBLE: In mid fall, twist or roll your body to the side (it’s safer to land on your butt and side–more “padding”– than on your back).
GO FOR AN EVEN LANDING: Keep wrists, elbows, and knees bent and draw them in close to your body. Try to spread out the forces of impact by landing with as much of your core body as you can.
WRC UPDATE – WEEK OF February 19th 2007
1. Race Results
2. Track Wednesday Eve (Cancelled for 2/21, tonight)
3. Sunday Distance Run (2/25)
4. Member and Misc. Stuff
Callaway Gardens Marathon, GA, Jan 28, 2007
7th Mike Mills 3:24:50 (1st age group)
(Mike will be running the Antartica Marathon next Monday, Feb 26th…good luck Mike!)
George Washington Birthday Classic 10k, Alexandria , 2/17/07
4th Michael Wardian 33 31:35 (1st age)
Max Lockwood 37 35:35
Jean-Christophe Arcaz 46 35:47 (3d age)
Elizabeth Jones 29 42:13
PVTC By George 5K, Washington , DC, 2/17/07
Jay Wind 57 22:47
Washington’s Birthday Marathon, Greenbelt , MD, 2/18/07
4th Dane Rauschenberg 30 3:14:33
Jay Wind 57 3:41:21 (2d age)
Michael Campbell 57 3:53:02
“You’ve got to look for tough competition. You’ve got to want to beat the best.” –Grete Waitz
Reports have it that the track remains covered with snow/ice and isn’t amenable to a quality track workout. Therefore, the WRC track workout is cancelled for tonight, 2/21.
We know it’s warmer today and that much will be melting, but we still are being told that there will be parts of the track that will be covered and slippery.
So, a workout for today is up to you. Hopefully, the track will be clear and ready for speed next week.
“I’m the father of Anna Nicole Smith’s baby!” –CM
4. SUNDAY DISTANCE RUN (2/25) – The Sunday long run group meets at the 3300 block of M Street in Georgetown at 8:00 a.m. (1.5 blocks down from the Key Bridge). Parking is plentiful on M Street. See the website (washrun.org) for directions to the run if you need them.
After the run, we regroup at Dean & Deluca on M Street to recover with hot and cold drinks, crumpets, and chatter. Make sure you have dry clothes to change into as it can be quite chilly in the coffee area.
We had a baker’s dozen or so show up this past Sunday to brave the icy footage conditions of the city…a trek toward Hains Point occurred.
“There is nothing like a dream to create the future.” –Victor Hugo
A. NEW WRC FAQ Page! To help prospective runners get a better feel for the WRC without having to read every page of our extensive website, we have a new Frequently Asked Questions page. The questions and answers offered largely result from the types of questions we are often asked. Believe us, we get a lot more questions than you would think on a regular basis. Check out the page at: http://www.washrun.org/about-us/frequently-asked-questions/
If you think of any questions that you believe should be included, let us know and we’ll consider them. And if some answers are confusing, let us know that too and we will edit them. Cheerio.
WRC UPDATE – WEEK OF February 26th 2007
1. Race Results
2. Track Wednesday Eve (2/28)
3. Sunday Distance Run (3/04)
4. Member and Misc. Stuff
“I went to a fight the other night and a hockey game broke out.” –Rodney Dangerfield.
Antartica Marathon, 2/26/07
Mike travels far to hit the ice and rocky roads and takes 20th place out of 135 finishers!
20th Michael Mills 35 4:46:48 (12th American)
Colonial Half-Marathon, Williamsburg , VA, 2/25/07
Iron Mike leads the way with a good time, David and Elizabeth run well too.
6th Michael Wardian 32 1:08:57
11th David O’Hara 30 1:11:48 (1st age)
Elizabeth Jones 29 1:32:57 (1st age)font>
Belle Haven 25k, VA, 2/24/07
Elizabeth Ottaway 43 2:24:05
Jay Wind 57 1:57:31
James Scarborough 48 2:19:25
Bob Platt 55 2:29:36
“If everything seems under control, you’re just not going fast enough.” –Mario Andretti
2. TRACK WORKOUT – Wednesday (2/28)
We meet on Wednesday evening at the Washington-Lee High School track. The speed workout begins at 6:30pm. Show up earlier to warm up a couple of miles if you can. See the website for directions.
This week’s (2/28) suggested workouts:
8-10 x 800m, 400m rest
4 x 1600m, 400m rest
VP and track coordinator Erica Morton: mortonej@yahoo.com
[We haven’t had big turnouts lately because the weather has been awful, the track closed, etc., but as things warm up, it’ll be picking up! We’ll be switching to Tuesday nights in a few weeks. Daylight savings time comes earlier this year, but we’ll wait a bit before making the switch.]
“The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.” –Lucille Ball [And to run run run also!]
3. SUNDAY DISTANCE RUN (3/04) – The Sunday long run group meets at the 3300 block of M Street in Georgetown at 8:00 a.m. (1.5 blocks down from the Key Bridge). Parking is plentiful on M Street. See the website (washrun.org) for directions to the run if you need them.
After the run, we regroup at Dean & Deluca on M Street to recover with hot and cold drinks, crumpets, and chatter. Make sure you have dry clothes to change into as it can be quite chilly in the coffee area.
Even in the nasty wintry mix, a number of stalwarts showed up to hit the trails last Sunday (better weather expected this weekend).
“One of the hardest tasks of leadership is understanding that you are not what you are, but what you’re perceived to be by others.” –Edward L. Flom
A. BOSTON MARATHON WRC TEAM. Calling all members who are running the Boston Marathon! Do you want to be on a WRC team? They only have men’s and women’s teams, no mixed, and a minimum of 3 team members. Team registration begins tomorrow and goes through April 5th. If interested, email the club: wrc03dc@yahoo.com so we can see what we can put together. Thanks! Team comp just adds a little more fun to the event. (You have to be already registered and accepted into the marathon to join a team.)
B. NEW WRC FAQ Page! To help prospective runners get a better feel for the WRC without having to read every page of our extensive website, we have a new Frequently Asked Questions page. The questions and answers offered largely result from the types of questions we are often asked. Believe us, we get a lot more questions than you would think on a regular basis. Check out the page at: http://www.washrun.org/about-us/frequently-asked-questions/
If you think of any questions that you believe should be included, let us know and we’ll consider them. And if some answers are confusing, let us know that too and we will edit them.
If you have friends who might be intested in the WRC, send them to the FAQ page!
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WRC © LogoDesign by Danny C. Royer