WRC Club News
Weekly Email Archives of April 2006
The club is trying a new way to provide its news on the website. Rather than rewrite the news based on the weekly email updates, we are now going to simply archive the weekly emails here. When there are related photos to show and other extras we will add them as we see fit.
To recieve the email updates the week they are sent out, you must be a current member of the WRC.
Hello Washington Running Club Members!
1. Member Race Results
2. No Track, BUT A TRAIL RUN, Tuesday (4/04)
3. Sunday Distance Run (4/09)
4. New Members
5. Dues
6. Member Forum
Correction – National 1/2 Marathon, DC, 3/25
We missed M-J last week, our apologies…great run M-J!
M-J Oboroceanu 43 2:15:56
Cherry Blossom 10-Miler, DC, 4/02
Over 40 WRCers raced among the crowds, crowds, crowds, wind, and blossoms! Our men’s team took 5th place among running clubs. 5,200 men and 5,393 women finished the race. Casey and Michael led the way for the WRC…
11th Casey Smith 26 57:14
23d Genevieve Kiley 31 1:01:22
67th Elizabeth Jones 28 1:09:01
Jessica Elias 31 1:12:49
Courtney Fulton 27 1:13:28
Erica Morton 29 1:15:17
Olivia Albrecht 23 1:15:23
Alisa Key 35 1:19:25
Laura Chipkin 25 1:19:38
Lisa Hussman 42 1:27:02
Kate Bonifant 24 1:29:35*
Challice Bonifant 28 1:29:36
Lindsay Johnson 23 1:37:12
Emily Johnson 28 1:37:13
Sasha-Vanessa Brenes 32 1:35:46
Jennifer Anthony 30 1:37:04
Puja Jawahar 26 1:38:36
M-J Oboroceanu 43 1:36:53
Garland Bonifant 22 2:11:15*
21st Michael Wardian 31 53:27
27th Frank Sprtel 33 54:44
31st Dave O’Hara 29 55:17 (PR!)
42nd Max Lockwood 36 56:29
54th Kevin Grasmick 35 57:25
61st Jean-Christophe Arcaz 45 57:44
62nd Philippe Rolly 33 57:45
100th Bart Forsyth 28 59:52
101st Brian Tefft 25 59:53
107th Dave Deschryver 33 1:00:09
Anthony Kreinder 36 1:02:36
Mark Drosky 45 1:03:49
Mike Proulx 31 1:03:58
Anthony DeCrappeo 53 1:09:36
Michael Mills 34 1:07:17
Dave Oberholtzer 54 1:10:14
Prasad Gerard 47 1:10:15
Will Ellison 40 1:10:30
Bill Rodgers 58 1:11:29*
Jay Wind 56 1:12:04
Bob Trost 59 1:13:46
Steve Fulton 54 1:14:24*
Paul Durbin 41 1:14:32
Lance Crist 40 1:16:21
James Scarborough 47 1:19:13
Bob Platt 54 1:21:43
William Bonifant 30 1:29:36*
Shawn Rowley 33 1:38:26
Steve Amter 49 1:42:16
5th Place Men’s team: O’Hara, Lockwood, Rolly, Forsyth, DeSchryver
What a great showing by WRC members, kudos to all who ran! We note that some of our members were off their usual race pace because they got held up by the crowds. A couple of others were out there, but still coming back from injuries.
Cherry Blossom 5k, DC, 4/02
647 runners did this while the 10-miler was going on..
15th Theresa Grano 27 26:34
20th Lynn Huang 36 26:54
Glass City Marathon, OH, 4/02
Dane marches on…
46th Dane Rauschenberg 29 3:25:46
Great running all, we apologize if we missed any places or races!
“Vino tonight?” –W. Ellison
2. NO TRACK WORKOUT, BUT TRAIL RUN INSTEAD Tuesday (tonight 4/04). The high school track is closed, but we will be meeting in the parking lot of Washington-Lee High School to hit the W&OD trail for a trail run, leaving at about 6:20 pm.
6 to 8 x 1/2 mile repeats on trail, 3 minute (or shorter) recovery.
Track coordinator Erica Morton: mortonej@yahoo.com
“There are really only two plays: Romeo and Juliet, and put the darn ball in the basket.” –Abe Lemons (apparantely UCLA forgot that last night)
3. SUNDAY DISTANCE RUN (4/09). For a run ranging from 8-14 miles at various paces, we meet at the 3300 block of M Street in Georgetown at 8:00 a.m. (1.5 blocks down from the Key Bridge).
Parking is plentiful on M Street. See the website (washrun.org) for directions to the run if you need them.
After the run, we regroup at Dean & Deluca’s on M Street to sip coffee, crunch on pricey sweets, and discuss all things intriguing.
“We were so poor my daddy unplugged the clocks when we went to bed.” –Chris Rock (if you leave yours plugged in, we hope you sprung them forward an hour on Sunday)
4. NEW MEMBERS. We have had 26 new members thus far in 2006, 12 ladies and 14 men. We welcome all to the club and hope to meet you soon! The WRC now has more than 165 members, its most in decades.
5. DUES. Many have renewed their dues and the club greatly thanks them for that. However, many have yet to do so for the 2006 year. Please renew at your earliest convenience, either online or by mail. It’s only $15 ($25 family)!
Thanks for your support! The club membership and email lists will be updated to include only current members by April 30, 2006. If you have any questions regarding your membership dues status, email: wrc03dc@yahoo.com
6. WRC MEMBER INTEREST FORUM. This section is reserved for members to post items for their fellow members to view, or for the club to proffer information about upcoming races or other items of interest.
A. Online Running Forum. For an online forum, use http://80258.activeboard.com/
B. Mike Proulx offers up a chocolate milk tip to consider.
C. FYI: Boston Marathon Blog Site. From the author: “I have some great posts, like tips from race director dave mcgillivray, insights from 2004 olympic marathon silver medalist meb keflezighi (who’s running his first boston this year) and comments from 1985 champion lisa larsen rainsberger and 5-time wheelchairchampion Ernst Van Dyk.”
Hello Washington Running Club Members!
1. Member Race Results
2. Track or trail workout, Tuesday (4/11)
3. Best of Luck to Boston Marathoners!
4. Spring 5k this Sunday (4/16)
5. Sunday Distance Run (4/16)
6. Race Teams for Capitol Hill Classic 10k
7. Online News
8. Officer’s Meeting
9. Member Forum – Yost European Trip
Ocean City Marathon, MD, 4/08
Iron Mike wins his third marathon of the year! Dane finishes number 14.
1st Michael Wardian 31 2:33:20
11th Dane Rauschenberg 29 3:18:55 (1st age group)
Bull Run 50-Miler, 4/08
3 WRCers show their ultra endurance!
4th Bryon Powell 27 7:18:28
46th Mike Campbell 56 9:27:03
65th Prasad Gerard 47 9:45:13
Arch Race for their Future 5k, DC, 4/08
Steve wins it! (official results not in yet, but this is what we’ve heard thus far)
1st Steve Money 17:30ish
4th Dan Simonds 18:20ish
Run for Hospice 10K, 4/08
3d Elizabeth Jones 28 43:32
Thomas G. Labrecque Classic 4-miler, NYC, 4/09
Diana Johnson 24 30:36
Clyde’s American 10K. 4/09
Elizabeth Jones 28 43:24 (2nd age)
Ohio River Road Runners Marathon, Xenia, OH, 4/09
Rob Toonkel 31 3:40:59 (3rd age)
Glass City Marathon, Toledo, OH, 4/02
We missed Rob last week…
Rob Toonkel 30 3:31:29
We apologize if we missed any races or places.
Adina Wadsworth is now the Secretary of race results. To make sure you are counted, please email race results to her by Monday evening at: adinawadsworth@gmail.com
“Only think of two things – the gun and the tape. When you hear the one, just run like hell until you break the other.” –Sam Mussabini
2. TRACK OR TRAIL WORKOUT, Tuesday (tonight 4/11). The Washington-Lee high school track looks to be open…so if it is, the track workout is on. If it is closed, we’ll simply hit the trail instead. Here are Erica’s suggested workouts for each.
Track: 8 x 1000meters w/ 200 meter recovery
Trail: 15 x 1 minute hard, 1 minute easy
Track coordinator Erica Morton: mortonej@yahoo.com
The speed workout begins at 6:20 pm. Show up earlier to warm up a couple of miles if you can. See the website for directions to the high school (washrun.org).
We meet at the far end of the bleachers on the same side as the main track entrance gate (near the parking lot). If the track is closed we meet for the trail in the parking lot.
Bring drink and proper clothing given the weather.
“If you want to be a successful runner, you have to consider everything. It’s no good just thinking about endurance and not to develop fine speed.” –Arthur Lydiard
3. BEST OF LUCK TO BOSTON MARATHONERS! We wish the best of luck and endurance to WRCers doing the Boston Marathon next Monday! We hope the weather cooperates and you all have stupendous race experiences!
“Good luck is another name for tenacity of purpose.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson
4. SPRING 5K THIS SUNDAY 8 A.M. The Spring 5k race hosted by RacePacket and the WRC is being held this Sunday at East Potomac Park (Hains Point) at 8:00 a.m. It’s a flat fast course.
Info here: http://racepacket.com/races/apr06/spring.htm
If you don’t want to run, but want to volunteer and help put the race on, contact Steve Baker at swbaker@comcast.net
5. SUNDAY DISTANCE RUN (4/16). For a run ranging from 8-14 miles at various paces, we meet at the 3300 block of M Street in Georgetown at 8:00 a.m. (1.5 blocks down from the Key Bridge). Note that turnout will likely be sparse this week due to the Spring 5k and Easter.
Parking is plentiful on M Street. See the website (washrun.org) for directions to the run if you need them.
After the run, we regroup at Dean & Deluca’s on M Street to sip coffee, crunch on pricey foodstuffs, and discuss the ways of the world.
6. RACE TEAMS FOR CAPITOL HILL CLASSIC. Genevieve Kiley will be coordinating the WRC mixed race team for the Capitol Hill Classic 10k race to be held on Sunday, May 21st at 8:30 a.m. Website here:
Let the club know if you’re running the race and want to be on the team. We’re defending champions of this baby! wrc03dc@yahoo.com
7. ONLINE NEWS. There will be a new online news up in the next few days. After that, the club may resort to cataloging these email updates on the website rather than continue with a full blown online news of redundant information. However, pictures and reports of various activities and events will still be put up when necessary.
8. OFFICER’S MEETING. President Baker called an officer’s meeting last Sunday. Items discussed:
– Finances – we’re in good shape and dues renewals are coming in.
– Membership – we’re growing fast (more than 165 members) with lots of new members and a solid corps of veteran members!
– Secretary of Race Results – Adina Wadsworth is the new secretary of race results (adinawadsworth@gmail.com)
– Race teams – Gen Kiley will coordinate the Capitol Hill Classic WRC team and we hope to put teams together for Lawyers Have Heart and possibly the Twilighter 8k, as well as others that arise.
– New WRC banner to be purchased
– Will look into purchasing WRC coolmax short sleeve running shirts to sell at a subsidized price.
– Discussed the possibility of purchasing a tent to use for big races such as the Cherry Blossom 10-Miler, Veteran’s Day 10k, etc. (where it is convenient to put one up) so members can gather and stow their gear.
9. WRC MEMBER INTEREST FORUM. This section is reserved for members to post items for their fellow members to view, or for the club to proffer information about upcoming races or other items of interest.
A. Kyle Yost recently returned home from a month long cycling trip to Europe. Here is his report:
B. Online Running Forum. For an online forum, use http://80258.activeboard.com/
C. FYI: Boston Marathon Blog Site. From the author: “I have some great posts, like tips from race director dave mcgillivray, insights from 2004 olympic marathon silver medalist meb keflezighi (who’s running his first boston this year) and comments from 1985 champion lisa larsen rainsberger and 5-time wheelchairchampion Ernst Van Dyk.”
Hello Washington Running Club Members!
1. Member Race Results
2. Track or trail workout, Tuesday (4/18)
3. Sunday Distance Run (4/23)
4. Race Teams for Capitol Hill Classic 10k
5. Member Forum – one member spotted, another gone…
Stop the Silence 8K, 4/15/06:
2nd Casey Smith 26 30:00
7th Elizabeth Jones 28 34:09 (2nd age)
Charlottesville Marathon, 4/15/06:
27th Dane Rauschenberg 29 3:31:49
35th Rob Toonkel 31 3:36:12
Charlottesville Half-Marathon, 4/15/06
(after some racers reportedly went off-course due to some bad course marshalling….AND some unexplained extra seconds):
3rd Jean-Christoff Arcaz 45 1:21:16
12th Michael Mills 34 1:29:09
PVTC Easter Classic, 5K, 4/15/06:
3rd Sarah Buckheit 45 23:42
Boston Marathon (The Big Enchilada), 4/17/06:
37th Michael Wardian 31 2:29:51
56th Max Lockwood 36 2:33:38
Dan Simonds 38 3:09:48
Anthony DeCrappeo 53 3:11:22
Prasad Gerard 47 3:27:23
Michael Proulx 31 3:57:48
Jay Wind 56 4:18:23
Leigh Tsuji 28 4:26:13
Jessica Elias 31 3:23:22
Challice Bonifant 28 3:51:05
Deborah Pressley 4:04:55
We apologize if we missed any races or places.
Adina Wadsworth is now the Secretary of race results. To make sure you are counted (especially when it’s an out of town race), please email race results to her by Monday evening at: adinawadsworth@gmail.com
2. TRACK OR TRAIL WORKOUT, Tuesday (tonight 4/18). The Washington-Lee high school track looks to be closed again…so looks like it’s a trail run instead. Here is Erica’s suggested workout”
Trail: 15 x 1 minute hard, 1 minute easy (2 mile warm up, 2 mile warm down)
Track coordinator Erica Morton: mortonej@yahoo.com
The speed workout begins at 6:20 pm. Show up earlier to warm up a couple of miles if you can. See the website for directions to the high school (washrun.org).
We meet at the far end of the bleachers on the same side as the main track entrance gate (near the parking lot). If the track is closed we meet for the trail in the parking lot.
Bring drink and proper clothing given the weather.
3. SUNDAY DISTANCE RUN (4/23). For a run ranging from 8-14 miles at various paces, we meet at the 3300 block of M Street in Georgetown at 8:00 a.m. (1.5 blocks down from the Key Bridge).
Parking is plentiful on M Street. See the website (washrun.org) for directions to the run if you need them.
After the run, we regroup at Dean & Deluca’s on M Street to sip coffee, crunch on pricey foodstuffs, and discuss the ways of the world.
“Stadiums are for spectators. We runners have nature and that is much better.” –Juha Väätäinen, Finland
4. RACE TEAMS FOR CAPITOL HILL CLASSIC. Genevieve Kiley will be coordinating the WRC mixed race team for the Capitol Hill Classic 10k race to be held on Sunday, May 21st at 8:30 a.m. Website here:
Let the club know if you’re running the race and want to be on the team. We’re defending champions of this baby! wrc03dc@yahoo.com
5. WRC MEMBER INTEREST FORUM. This section is reserved for members to post items for their fellow members to view, or for the club to proffer information about upcoming races or other items of interest.
A. Spotted in NY City – member on school sabbatical Diana Johnson! The Wadsworth’s found Diana in New York City last weekend and subsequently had dinner and drinks with her on Saturday night, followed by a run through beautiful Central Park on Sunday morning. It was discovered that Diana lives in quite a sweet spot in the city, upper east side right near the park.
B. Short-time visitor to DC – member Leigh Tsuji has returned to Boston…we’ll miss ya Leigh!
C. Kyle Yost recently returned home from a month long cycling trip to Europe. Here is his report:
D. Online Running Forum. For an online forum, use http://80258.activeboard.com/
Hello Washington Running Club Members!
1. Member Race Results
2. Track or trail workout, Tuesday (4/25)
3. Sunday Distance Run (4/30)
4. Race Teams for Capitol Hill Classic 10k
5. Another Dues Reminder!
6. Member Forum
George Washington Parkway Classic 10-Miler, 4/23/06
A week after Boston, Iron Mike and Max run well. Frank cruises,Yancey dog yelps a return! Jean-Christophe shows his Master’s prowess. Elizabeth leads the WRC women! Many fine performances…kudos!
7th Michael Wardian 32 53:40 (1st age group)
8th Frank Sprtel 33 54:09 (2nd age group)
11th Yancey Hall 37 55:43 (3rd age group)
16th Max Lockwood 36 56:28
19th Jean-Christophe Arcaz 45 58:45 (1st age group)
Mark Drosky 45 1:03:23 (3rd age group)
Paul Durbin 41 1:09:46
Jay Wind 56 1:15:31 (3rd age group)
James Scarborough 47 1:17:32
Elizabeth Jones 28 1:10:21 (2nd age group)
Adina Wadsworth 38 1:13:52
Laura Chipkin 25 1:15:31
Caroline Caine 38 1:21:29
Erica Morton 29 1:23:05
George Washington Parkway Classic 5K, 4/23/06
9th Jim Wadsworth 49 18:03 (1st Master)
Pikes Peek 10K, 4/23/06
Casey and Al lead the WRC…some great times down da Pike of Rockville!
5th Casey Smith 26 35:02 (1st age group)
Sarah Buckheit 45 45:37
Al Han 32 32:56 (3rd age)
George Buckheit 48 34:23 (2nd age)
Derik Thomas 40 34:41 (3rd age)
Leyi Lyn 26 36:28
French Lick to West Baden Marathon, IN, 4/23/06
Dane completes number 16 of fiddy2! Next stop Frederick, Md, and then
the Potomac River Run in Alexandria.
Dane Rauschenberg 29 3:18:16
We apologize if we missed any races or places.
Adina Wadsworth is now the Secretary of race results. To make sure you are counted (especially when it’s an out of town race), please email race results to her by Monday evening at: adinawadsworth@gmail.com
2. TRAIL WORKOUT, Tuesday (tonight 4/25). The Washington-Lee high school track looks to be closed again…so it’s a trail run instead. Here is Erica’s suggested workout”
Trail: 2 mile warmup, 3 miles tempo, 2 mile warmdown.
Track coordinator Erica Morton: mortonej@yahoo.com
We will leave from the school parking lot for the trail to begin at 6:25 pm. See the website for directions to the high school (washrun.org).
Bring drink and proper clothing given the weather.
3. SUNDAY DISTANCE RUN (4/30). For a run ranging from 8-14 miles at various paces, we meet at the 3300 block of M Street in Georgetown at 8:00 a.m. (1.5 blocks down from the Key Bridge).
Parking is plentiful on M Street. See the website (washrun.org) for directions to the run if you need them.
After the run, we regroup at Dean & Deluca’s on M Street to sip coffee, crunch on pricey foodstuffs, and discuss the ways of the world.
4. RACE TEAMS FOR CAPITOL HILL CLASSIC. Genevieve Kiley will be coordinating the WRC mixed race team for the Capitol Hill Classic 10k race to be held on Sunday, May 21st at 8:30 a.m. Website here:
Let the club know if you’re running the race and want to be on the team. We’re defending champions of this baby! wrc03dc@yahoo.com
5. ANOTHER DUES REMINDER! Please renew your dues for 2006 if you haven’t already. We are getting close to the end of the month of April. We will be paring back the member rolls for those not paid up soon…it’s only fair.
If you have questions regarding your dues status, simply email: wrc03dc@yahoo.com
Thanks…the club appreciates your support!
6. WRC MEMBER INTEREST FORUM. This section is reserved for members to post items for their fellow members to view, or for the club to proffer information about upcoming races or other items of interest.
A. Will provides some FYI:
VO2Max Testing and Lactate Threshold Testing
Address: 8301 Arlington Boulevard, Suites T3
Fairfax, VA 22031
Phone: 770-977-5783
Cost: $150.00
Will just had his tests done here and got all kinds of good data to help his training. Just an FYI in case anyone’s interested in doing the same.
B. Bruce Reynolds announces that his son Eric is giving a performance with his band, Darling, on Wednesday at 8:30 at the Grog & Tankard, located at 2408 Wisconsin Ave. Darling is the first band, followed by three metal bands. Their music is quite different from metal, and perhaps best defined by a Washington Post reviewer as “art rock”. The Grog and Tankard has been a great venue for bands of various kinds for decades. http://www.thegrogandtankard.com/
C. Online Running Forum. For an online forum, use http://80258.activeboard.com/
© Copyrighted 2006: All Rights Reserved by WRC.
WRC © LogoDesign by Danny C. Royer