- Julia Taylor conquered the ING NYC Marathon in a new personal best of 3:22:56, and 340th woman. (results)
- Megan Haberle was the 13th woman to cross The Parks 10K finish line in a new personal best of 39:51. Said Megan, while finding us for coffee afterwards, “I was too busy racing back and forth with this one woman to remember to stop my watch at the finish line.” Good! Liz Lambert et enfant achieved an expectant harrier’s division per-athlete-average of 32:01. (results)
- Lucy Rogers, while enrolled in the Wake Forest Schools of Taking Care of Business, slipped away from her studies just long enough to race the Raleigh City of Oaks Marathon to a new personal best of 3:05:26, placing 26th overall and 4th woman! (results)
Lucy and Julia will both be racing next spring at the 2014 Boston Marathon.
Great performances for all from WRC!