January/February 1999

The Washington Running Club January 1999 Newsletter


by Dave Keating

The GW Marathon Relay will be our first club race of 1999. On February 14th at 10:30 a.m. in Greenbelt, WRC will unfurl the flag of defiance once again. This is a race where we challenge other clubs such as Montgomery County RRC, Northern Virginia, Annapolis Striders and Potomac Runners. In times past, this is where WRC has acquired fame and glory, as well as some rather garish trophies.

WRC is fielding four (4) teams for this race – two men’s masters and two men’s open. Runners! Talk to the other members of your team to decide who is running eah leg. Dress accordingly, and be ready for some abusive winds and hills!

Here is the team breakdown:

Men’s Masters A (Draft Riot)
Gerry Ives
John Dix
Bill Wooden

Mens’ Masters B (The Draftsmen)
Bob Trost
Robert Rodriquez
Jay Wind (?)

Men’s Open A (Drafted to Serve)
Jack Pozo-Alono
Henry Grossman
Kevin Burke

Men’s Open B (Draft Horse)
David Keating
James Scarborough
Jon Thoren

Our women’s team, which was scheduled to run, has fallen prey to injury.

WRC thanks the spouses of runners for letting them run on Valentine’s Day. We will try to return your husband intact by 2:30 P.M. with instructions to be romantic. WRC husbands are reminded that you can’t go wrong with a dozen red roses. You can go very wrong by giving your beloved a Relay Race T Shirt.

See you on the 14th!

Next Club Meeting:

The next club meeting will be held on the 14th at the Greenbelt Youth center, following the GW Birthday Marathon Relay (circa 1:30 p.m.). Items on the agenda will include

  1. Officer Elections
  2. Races and Race Team
  3. Website Results
  4. Recruiting New Members

We will make it as short as possible

Directions to Greenbelt Youth Center:


Take Exit 23 on Rt. 95/495 for Kenilworth Ave, North (Rte. 201). Go about 0.2 miles to the first light and take a right onto Crescent Road (the Marriott is to the left). Go about 1 mile on

Crescent to the Youth Center at 101 Centerway (on the right). Park behind the Library, just past Centerway, also on the right.

The Youth Center is at the far end of the parking lot, next to the ball fields.



Thanks to all who have sent their annual dues. For those who have forgotten, we extend this reminder…..it’s only a small donation of $12.00 and $15.00 for families. For those of you who have not yet paid the dues, we invite you to complete the last page and send it in to Gerry. His address is

4616 Laverock Place, NW

Washington, DC 20007-2544




by Secretary O’Donnell

At the December 30th meeting at Jack and Jodie’s house, the following resolutions were approved

  1. Authorization of $150 to launch the WRC website. This money includes $70 to register our name with the Internic, $55 to WebSupreme to set up our site and a $25 monthly maintenance fee.
  2. The same slate of officers was selected for next year. The vote will be at the February 14th meeting.
  3. Approval of a new club uniform, which will be ready by Cherry Blossom. The uniform will include the DC flag, a symbol most WRC members currently associate with parking tickets.



Dave Keating


Happy New Year, WRC! Before we forget many thanks of Jack Coffey, for providing pro bono legal advice about our new application. Also, we congratulate new member John Rusinko, and his dog Murphy, who won the Alexandria Doggy Dash, completely dogging the competition.

And congratulations and blessing to Jack and Jodie Pozo-Olano on the birth of daughter Catherine on February 3rd. Both mother and daughter are doing very well, we are happy to report. This newsletter is being published by Prez, while Jodie is recovering in the hospital. Folks, I had no idea that MS Word was so difficult. For this alone Microsoft deserves federal indictment and Valiant Jodie a purple heart.

El Prez recently got a phone call from Wall Street Journal reporter Eleena de Lisser, asking about marathoners who run while sick. The subsequent article is partially reproduced below. During the course of the interview, Eleena asked the purpose of the club. Why do we exist?

This is an excellent question – what purpose does WRC serve? Why do you, our loyal membership pay dues? To get free pizza at Armands? To get this newsletter? Hey, don’t knock it – these are two services that DC Government doesn’t provide.

But there is more than this. The true purpose of WRC is to give a sense of community to DC runners. A community revolving around training, racing, and socializing. In this community is born fellowship and camaraderie – sentiments that rank below romantic love but well above anything we witness on The Jerry Springer Show.

Of course, one could achieve camaraderie by climbing Mt. Everest – by sailing to the North Pole – by taking a hot air balloon with Richard Branson. However, WRC camaraderie is achieved at little expense, at no risk to life, and in far more fashionable clothing.

For as we look around at fin de sicle Washington, we see an absence of camaraderie (“fin de sicle” is French for “end of century”. Using French lends a pretentiousness to this column heretofore lacking). Indeed we witness certain acrimony. There is a constitutional crisis brewing and personal enmity runs high. While I have little to contribute in the way legal expertise (deferring to scholars Coffey, Thoren and Hage), there is a point I’d like to make.

The Republican leadership is dropping like there is no tomorrow. Since last newsletter, both Newt and Bob Livingston have resigned and gone on the lecture circuit. Envision a Marine Corps Marathon where the lead runners drop out at mile 8 in Georgetown to go shopping at the Banana Republic. You get the picture

And these DNFs receive more recognition than most WRC runners receive for finishing races, It is vexing that Donna Moore, John Dix, Tom Scott, Anita Freres and Patty Fulton are pounding out the miles in anonymity, while these retired politicos are making thousands of dollars as talking heads. We want to partially rectify this situation. To give comfort and recognition (and pizza) to those who go the distance. This is the WRC purpose, and our raison d’etre.*

Look forward to seeing you at the GW Relay. And remember we are WRC. The WRC that lacks Bob Ryan and his completely ridiculous Doppler 4000 radar.

*”Raison d’etre ” is French for “reason for being”. Used by philosophers Jean Paul Satre and Murphy the Dog..




by Dave Keating


Kevin Burke was mentioned in a front page article in the February 3rd Wall Street Journal. The reporter, Eleena de Lisser, wrote about people exercising while ill. The conclusion of the article mentioned Burke’s infamous 1996 Boston Marathon Experience. To quote verbatim from the story:

Indeed, being in denial seems to be a big part of the problem. Kevin Burke, a law student at George Washington University in Washington, D.C., remembers feeling terrible at the start of the Boston Marathon in 1996. But he decided to go through with it anyway because he had logged 90-mile weeks, running in all kinds of weather conditions and had earned a very respectable qualifying time of 2:38 to enter the race.

But one mile into the event, Mr. Burke found himself doubled over, vomiting in somebody’s front yard. A little girl, about four years old, held out an orange slice and a cup of water and said, “You’ve got a long way to go, mister.”

“Her wisdom vastly exceeded her years,” says Mr. Burke. “That’s when I knew I was in trouble.” He went on to finish the race, but not before throwing up four more times along the 26.2-mile route. Today in his running group, the Washington Running Club, whenever anyone gets sick, it’s called “pulling a Kevin Burke.”

We believe this might qualify as positive publicity for the club – but we are not entirely sure. Kev, does your fiancée know about these tendencies? All kidding aside, thanks to Kevin and to all WRC members who spoke with Eleena.


by Prez Keating

WRC has finally launched itself into cyberspace. For those of you with web
browsers, our web address is

www.washrun.org. For those of you who dislike all things cyber, there is still the newsletter.

The site contains DC running routes, DC running links, races where we are fielding teams, an application, and old newsletters. In addition, there are Luddite rantings by yours truly, and by Jim Hage. Thanks to Jim for letting us reproduce his publication Running, Ranting and Racing .

Our web presence is intended to attract new members – specifically, the technically sophisticated, younger generation. Some of you might regard this demographic as insufferable nerds, who walk about speaking a jargon we scarcely understand (“What do you mean, bytes? Don’t even dream of biting me, young man! And take off that ridiculous nose ring! You filthy little ruffian!”) But these are the people we want. WRC’s strategic plan is to grab Generation X by their scruffy little necks, drag them from their cigar bars and make them run.

Thus far, the site is experiencing about 25 hits a day. Some hits are have been from places as distant as Spain, England, Australia, and Rockville.

Members should reference it out to find the schedule of races we are running, workouts, and club meetings.

The club would like to thank James Scarborough, Gerry Ives, John O’Donnell, Lynn Geisert and Betsy O’Brien for their contributions to the DC routes portion of the site.




by Dave Keating

We are sorry to report that the very hallowed Bethesda-Chevy Chase 20K has been euthanized by the Montgomery County Department of Parks and Recreation. B-CC 20K, may your soul rest in peace.

For twenty one years the 20K started and finished at Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School and ran through Kensington along Beach Drive and up the infamous Mormon Temple Hill. This race marked the beginning of the Spring racing season for many DC road runners. It ranked as perhaps the most difficult non-marathon race in the area. Indeed, more than a few national runners used the hills of Kensington as preparation for April’s Boston Marathon.

In its place will be a 10K – as if there are not enough of those already – to be run on March 7th. . The Department of Parks and Recreation calls this race “friendlier” as well as “kinder and flatter”

Hello Montgomery County! If you really want kind, flat and gentle, how about a 2 mile fun run? Or better yet, a low impact step aerobics class with Richard Simmons? Or maybe we should all be like Heidi, and dance through Swiss meadows, singing aloud and embracing cows?

Anyway, for those of you interested in running this 10K Wimp Classic, here is the skinny.

The race begins and ends in > front of the Rock Bottom Restaurant and Brewery at 7900 Norfolk > Avenue at 10:00 a.m. March 7th. It winds down Woodmont to Bradley, then up Wisconsin Avenue > to Cedar Lane and back down Old Georgetown Road. Call 301-217-6798 for further information.



December 13, 1998


On an unusually mild day in December.

George Probst of Blacksburg continued his domination of the DC road racing circuit by blazing a 30:58 to win by over two minutes over second place Eron Ferreria of Falls Church. Placing third among men was Andrew Klemas, 35, also of Falls Church in a time of 34:08.

Among the 697 women finishers, Patti Shull, age 40 of Asburn paced a 37:53. Coming in second was Kristin Faraguna 23 of DC and third was DCRRC’s Hillary Cairns in a time of 38:57.



January 1, 1999


Our friend George Probst, 23, began the new year where he left off. George ran a 32:55 to best 326 other men. David McCormick 37, formerly of DC, now of Saudi Arabia ran 34:29 to place second, while Ryan Donohue, 20 of Centreville ran a 35:23.

In the women’s race, Suzanne Scoggin, 35 of Reston place first in a time of 40:44. Coming in second was Barbara Nigle 32 in a time of 40:50. Third place was captured by Ms. Clara Poftenberger, 34, of Fairfax, three minutes later.



January 17, 1999

The JFK 20K was held at Hains Point January 17th at 8:00 a.m. Gerge Buckheit, 41 of Fairfax was first in a time of 1:11:33. Rob Thomas, 37 was second running 1;16:27, while Rob Walker of Silver Spring was third in a time of 1:17:23. WRC finishers included 7. Jay Wind, 1:19:57; 8. Gerry Ives, 1:20:12; and 9. Robert Rodriguez, 1:21:01.

Clara Poffenberger, 34 was the first woman in a time of 1:27:34, followed by Betty Blank in 1:28:21 and Mary Mologne in 1:32:02

Only two of the top ten male finishers were under age 35, proving that either young people are turning away from running, or that they simply prefer to sleep in.



January 17, 1999


WRC’s brother club MCRRC sponsored the Frosty Six the day after the infamous ice storm. Obviously participants in this race concluded that running was one of the better ways to stay warm until PEPCO restored power.

Not surprisingly, MCRRC members dominated. First place among men was Xavier Naldo, 20, of Sliver Spring, in a time of 34:40. Coming in second was Paul Jacobson of Wheaton, followed by Jascha Fields, 21, of Potomac.

Among women Marian Huizing, 30 of Rockville placed first in a time of 39:23. Almost two minutes behind was Philippa Wellborn 35 of Potomac in 41:08. And Desiree Ficker, 22 of Potomac ran a 42:14. Our congratulations to Desiree, and our continued encouragement .



January 30, 1999

by James Scarborough

The race this year benefited the Hospice of Northern Virginia, the Arlington-based facility which provides care to the terminally ill. Despite the police being told the race began forty five minutes later than it actually did, the race started on time

The temperature was in the mid 40s, at race time with no wind. Keith Chisholm took the lead, but Ted Poulos (or as Ted Cochrane refers to him, “young, fast Ted”) reined him in. Ted crossed the line in the alliterative time of 43:43. He was followed by Rob Thomas, recently moved here from Denver in 44:14. Steve Nearman, who included the race in his Sunday Washington Times article, finished third in 44:57. Mark Drosky of Alexandria was fourth in 45:18.

Veteran Arlington master and WRC runner Roberto Rodriguez was fifth in 46:18. Tekli Semere (sixth) won for first Arlingtonian in 46:38, and Pierre Donahue for first non-Arlingtonian in 48:13. WRC’s Gerry Ives, at 59, finished twelfth in 48:47

At the end of the race Gerry was literally run over by one David Buchanon of Bethesda, a gentleman Gerry describes as being “rather large”. WRC members are encouraged to henceforth avoid Mr. Buchanon when finishing races.

The women’s race was even closer. Fiona Branton, at 40, set what proved to be a new women’s masters course record in 50:02. The old masters record was held by Cindy Dalrymple with a 50:21 set back in 1990. Fiona won $50 for her effort. Close on her heels was Steve Nearman’s other half, Susanne Nearman, in 50:12. In third place was Wilhelmina Persina, who looked suspiciously like Win Graves, in 50:20




  • As mentioned above, Jodie Pozo-Olano gave birth to Catherine Pozo-Olano at 10:00 a.m. February 3rd. Congratulations and blessings from all of us to Jack and Jodie! According to John O’Donnell: “the mother and daughter are fine and will be home this weekend. May Catherine bear a strong resemblance to her mother”.
  • Kevin Burke’s 1996 Boston marathon where he tossed the proverbial cookies is now a matter of public record. Difficult marathon experiences by WRC members Cecilia Lutz, Tris Kruger and William Webster were not mentioned. We expect their inclusion in the possible Fox special “Catastrophic Marathon Meltdowns
  • We congratulate Donna Moore, last year’s Marine Corps Marathon winner, who ran 2:59 at Ocean State Marathon placing 7th among women. Donna continues to pound out excellent times without getting injured. Donna will be leading our women’s team at Cherry Blossom in April.
  • Rumor has it that WRC’s Jim Hage, Washington Post sports scribe, is about to be featured in a Running Times article about running streaks. As readers might recall, Jim has run at least 2 miles every day since 1982. We are considering enlisting Jim in a 12 step program. Kudos Jim. May your fame continue to blossom.
  • WRC welcomes as a new member Jennifer Kulynych who qualified for Boston at the Richmond Marathon in a time of 3:34. Jennifer is a recently minted JD from Stanford. Jennifer also has a PhD in clinical psychology form AU. Jennifer, your first responsibility will be determining the exact synaptic configuration that causes Jim to run every day.
  • Steve Tappan,31 of Washington DC also joined WRC this month. Last year Steve popped a 61:30 at Cherry Blossom Steve is currently training for the Spring triathlon season.
  • Gerry Ives is now ranked 7th nationally in the 55-59 year age group by Running Times . Gerry, it gives us all great pleasure to share in your good fortune. Now please slow down. The pace you set on Sunday morning runs is absolutely killing us.
  • Monica Robbers recently returned from New Zealand. Welcome back Monica – little has changed since you left. The club still meets in Georgetown, the town is still hysterical about something called Y2K and your namesake is being pursued by a dirty old man. Though this time his name is Ken Starr, not Clinton. You must miss Christchurch already.
  • WRC member/AU grad student Anita Freres was first among women at the Mazique 10K in November, pacing a 38:17. WRC congratulates Anita. Incidentally Freres is another French for word, meaning “brother”.
  • Note that WRC now has a new motto “Be Valiant and Speed Well”. This is a phrase coined by William Shakespeare – England’s famous 16-century playwright / distance runner.
  • Registration for the Marine Corps Marathon ends on March 15. Register on-line at http://www.marinemarathon.com/ or call (703)784-2225/6 to obtain an entry form.
  • Rain, shine or snow, every SUNDAY MORNING someone will show-up for a long run at 8:00 a.m. in front of the Staples on M street in Georgetown for a long run. The pace is generally quick and the routes diverse. More and more folks are showing up, as the weather improves.

PLEASE SEND IN YOUR COMMENTS….They are all most welcome

Please feel free to submit any written materials for publication in the newsletter to: WRC Editor, 1023 15th Street, NW, Suite 200, Washington, D.C., 20005, or call the Editor at (703) 516-4517, or e-mail the editor at: jbuenni@slcfund.org

Washington Running Club
4616 Laverock Place, NW
Washington, DC 20007-2544


President: David Keating (301) 587-4406
Vice President: Jack Pozo-Olano (703) 516-4517
Secretary: John O’Donnell (202) 625-1401
Treasurer: James Scarborough
Newsletter Editor: Jodie Pozo-Olano


Legal: Chairs – Jim Hage, Jack Coffey
Membership: Gerry Ives
Teams: Jack Pozo-Olano, Jodie Pozo-Olano