Misc. WRC Pictures

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Gathering at the Sunday run…idle gab and stretching

Sir Ives and Adina dance the warmup

Leftover sippers at the coffee regathering

Pool party and cook out 2002…the prez and pool boy.

Keats needs to eat…now!

Womens’s group meets to run on a Wednesday eve in April
(L to R: Erica, Marie, Beth, Maria, Sharon, Britton, Lory, and Lisa).

Lisa cranking it out at Cherry Blossom!

Men at the annual WRC year-end party (l to r: Dave Stoudt, Dave Keating, Dave Young, John Aston, Patrick Dudley, Jim Wadsworth)

Erica Morton cheerily showing her triathlon stuff at the Spud Tri in June 03

Our club secretary, Marie Sandrock, focused on the task at hand at the Spud Tri

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