WRC 2024 Annual Meeting/Social Update

  • Date/Time:
    • – Saturday March 9 2024, 5-8pm
  • Location:
    • – 1705 N Pollard Street, Arlington VA 22207 (private residence)
  • RSVP:
    • – email washrunclub2@gmail.com – not required but appreciated
  • Cost:
    • – free for current (2024) WRC members, $10 for guests
    • – Membership can be renewed on site by cash or check
  • Food:
    • – Appetizers and soft drinks provided
    • – You may bring a side dish to share and any beverage of your choice
  • Access:
    • – limited parking on property
    • – street parking on 17th Street N, N Quincy Street
    • – Virginia Square or Ballston Metro, 0.9 miles / 20 min walk
  • Club Business:
    • – Elections
    • – New bylaws
    • – 2024 WRC Board of Officers
  • Fun Stuff:
    • – Awards
    • – Raffles
    • – Karaoke!

Sunday March 3 2024 with WRC

Amazing turnout and weather for the First Sunday of March!

From left: Thomas, Frithjov, John, Donna, Jacob, Jesse, Olivia, Nelle, Rahul, Eric, Kat, Andrew, Vikrant, Katherine, Lawson, Anna, Daltyn, Henry, Robert, Jordan and Colin.

WRC Annual Meeting/Social – March 9, 2024

Daltyn Payne will be hosting this year’s annual meeting/social at his residence in Arlington.

Date/Time: Saturday March 9 2024, 5-8pm
Location: 1705 N Pollard Street, Arlington VA 22207
Cost: free for current (2024) WRC members, $10 for guests
Food: Appetizers and soft drinks provided.

You may bring a side dish to share and any beverage of your choice.
RSVP to washrunclub2@gmail.com for planning purposes.