Julia Taylor is a long standing member of WRC. She’s won the “Female Runner of the Year” award and is currently our race team coordinator. Julia commits herself to racing from the first day of her training cycle to the moment she crosses the finish line, and her race results show it! Good luck, Julia – we’re cheering for you!
Here’s more about Julia:
Q. How many Boston Marathons have you run? Total number of marathons?
A. Two. I ran in 2012 and 2014. I’ve run 10 marathons so far. Other than Boston, I’ve run National/RnR USA/DC (4 times), New York City (2 times), Marine Corps (1 time) and Disney (1 time as part of the “Goofy Challenge”).
Q. What are your goals for the upcoming race?
A. I didn’t run Boston very well last year so my goal is to run a smarter race – not start out too fast and run strong through Newton. If I do that, I think I should be able to get close to a course PR, which would be sub-3:27. I would be very happy with a true PR, which would be sub-3:22:56.
A. I didn’t run Boston very well last year so my goal is to run a smarter race – not start out too fast and run strong through Newton. If I do that, I think I should be able to get close to a course PR, which would be sub-3:27. I would be very happy with a true PR, which would be sub-3:22:56.
Q. What are you looking forward to the most about being in Boston?
A. Celebrating after the race. I love how complete strangers will congratulate you and ask how you did.
Q. Do you have any tips from your last training cycle?
A. If your coffee maker quits on you for no apparent reason, don’t panic – they sell iced coffee in the grocery store that you can pour into a mug and microwave back to real coffee. Also, in addition to temperature, check the wind before heading out on a run and adjust pace expectations accordingly.
A. If your coffee maker quits on you for no apparent reason, don’t panic – they sell iced coffee in the grocery store that you can pour into a mug and microwave back to real coffee. Also, in addition to temperature, check the wind before heading out on a run and adjust pace expectations accordingly.