Let’s once again lend a hand next Wednesday evening, August 28th, at a low-key summertime race held on our stomping grounds.
Meet just before 6 p.m. at the trailhead of Mt Vernon Trail near the Key Bridge, across from Arlington Gateway Park in Rosslyn. This is also the eastern terminus of the Custis Trail. The race itself goes along the Potomac River.
Club treasurer James Scarborough needs volunteers from WRC for the following positions:
- one or two people to help with registration
- one or two people to run a water stop at the south end of Roosevelt Island
- one person where the runners pass UNDER Memorial Bridge
- one person at the turnaround
- can also use a person at the finish line (actually, it will take two, one pulling tags and one recording numbers on Time Machine)
- help with carrying and setting up things and helping clean up are also very much appreciated!
If you can lend a hand, please let James know in advance. And for more information, please see the event’s website.