The JUNE MEETING of WRC will be held at Armand’s Pizzeria (Tenleytown) in Washington, DC on JUNE 11, 1998 at 7:30 p.m. Topics to be discussed include upcoming team races, the WRC Challenge Race and predictions on who to watch at Nationals.
Group runs continue, even though the temperature is rising. All members are encouraged to join the group every SUNDAY MORNING for a long run followed by mindless bantor over coffey. The group meets every Sunday at 8:00 a.m. in front of the Staples on M street in Georgetown.
by defacto Secretary Scarborough
The Washington Running Club meeting was held on Thursday, April 23 (also, Shakespeare’s Birthday). In attendance were WRC Pres. avid Keating and Elizabeth Hosford; WRC VPJack Pozo-Olano, Jodie Buenning, Bob Platt, Tris Krueger and James Scarborough.
Everyone traded war stories from the Boston Marathon. And, it was noted that USA Today ran the top state-by-state finishers, which included WRC members: Jim Hage with his impressive 2:22:44 and Jodie Buenning who PR’d with a 3:15:22.
After some discussion, it was decided that Keating would organize group runs on Tuesday nights for the spring and summers starting about 6:30 p.m.
Pozo-Olano propsed heading up a challenge race with other local clubs, in the same vein as the Columbia Challenge, but in Virginia. The group discussed possible races with the Burke Lake 4.5 miler being one option. More discussion on this topic at the next meeting.
Treasurer Scarborough circulated his well detailed Report which indicated that the club was still in the black! He reported that the club had received the $260 from the Capital Running Company for volunteering at St. Paddy’s Day 10K.
Pozo-Olano announced that WRC teams would be formed for the following races: Race Against Racism; Jay’s Run; Crystal City, and the PA Avenue Mile. Keating invited everyone participating in Jay’s run to a party at his house following the race.
It was reported that Henry Grossman would design a new logo and new club uniforms. He will provide the group with an update at the next meeting.
Keating pleaded with everyone to make suggestions on a new location for the next meeting. Upon hearing none, the meeting location was set for Armand’s….again.
by Secretary O’Donnell
The meeting was held at Armands Pizzeria on Wisconsin Ave., on February 19, 1998. The secretary, who is new to the job, neglected to take notes and forgot to write them down the next day. H has learned his lesson and next time will come prepared with laptop computer! From what he can recall some six weeks after the fact, the meeting was lead by VP Jack Pozo-Olano, Treasury James Scarborough, Jim Hage, Monica Robbers, and Henry Grossmann and perhaps a couple of others whose names do not spring to mind. President Keating was absent attending the funeral of his grandfather. Gerry Ives was absent because they don’t let guys his age out of the nursing home after 8:00 p.m. There was discussion of upcoming races. The Treasurer gave his usual outstanding report – the club is still in the black! VP Pozo-Olano reminded everyone about assisting in the St. Paddy’s Day 10K in March. Not only were pizza’s consumed, but Secretary O’Donnell stunned everyone and saved the reputation of the club by ordering good quality beer instead of the standard, Budweiser. When VP Pozo-Olano attempted to get some business done by calling the pizza fight to order and asking, “Are there any matters to be discussed?” Everyone responded with, “NO!” (emphatically) and VP Pozo-Olano responded, “Since there is no business to be discussed I move to close this meeting.”
Dave Keating
The first order of business is to congratulate WRC’s Jim Hage for his 2:22 marathon at Boston (3rd American). This, coming on the heels of Jim turning 40, is a terrific achievement. Perhaps most impressive is the fact that Jim averaged 120 miles a week this past winter.
This naturally begs a number of questions: How does Jim find the time to train? Why didn’t his body break down under the pressure of high mileage? And how long will Monica tolerate this ridiculous training schedule? Jim, keep up the good work. We look forward to more of your stellar performances
Kudos are also extended to another WRC member who is refusing to heed the dictates of time – Gerry Ives, 58 who ran 60:03 at Cherry Blossom. Like Jim, Gerry’s performance is born of getting up at 5:00 in the morning to do distance, track workouts on Wednesday night, long runs with on Sundays. It is important for us young’uns to recognize that such stunning performances can be turned in by our elders sans the intervention of viagra. Good job Gerry.
Of course these excellent performances by folks no longer in their twenties makes one ask – why don’t more folks in their twenties run seriously? I have a couple of theories about this. And having majored in the humanities, I am under no obligation whatsoever to offer proof substantiating any of them. So, here go my theories….. Why Generation X has become Immobile.
Theory One:
An absence of role models. When I was growing up, my heroes were not John Unitas, Jim Brown or Jim Palmer. Rather, they were Jim Ryun, Bill Rogers and especially Steve Prefontaine. Guys on my high school team were genuinely distraught over Prefontaine’s death in a car accident in 1975. Steve was a larger than life figure, tough, charismatic, defiant, the one who was going to win the gold in the 5,000 in 1976. Having said this, let me say that Steve was not a geographic genius. When a teammate back in Connecticut wrote him a letter in 1974, Steve replied, with kind words of encouragement. As a postscript, he added “I am glad to hear that I have fans in the Midwest.”
Perhaps Gen X accords the same reverence to people who are great snowboarders/skateboarders or those who have adorned themselves with multiple nose rings. It is hard to say what engages their imagination. What is clear is that the mystique that initially drew me to running has diminished.
Theory Two:
Running has been tamed.
In the 1980s’s Running being absorbed into the general fitness boom. Running has become a means to an end- be healthy and slim. Don’t get me wrong – I am all for fitness. Looking fit and healthy is what separates Elle McPherson from, say, Jack Germond. However, health per se holds little brief for a 17 year old who wants to make his mark on the world in sports. Good athletes want a chance to test themselves, to prove themselves, to gain recognition. If all she knows about running is that it is a variation on aerobics, she will turn elsewhere.
And really (PACE Runners World!) distance running is not all that good for you. I think all of us have incurred shin splints, exhaustion, anemia, twisted ankles, fatigue, sciatic nerves, ITB syndrome, (and assorted other ills that I can hardly pronounce, much less verify via spellchecker). We run despite, and a fatigue that never quite goes away. So to say that we run to be healthy is obviously untrue. We run in the hopes of running faster. And to achieve this, we ignore dictates of fitness.
So perhaps this should be the way we sell the sport to those born post 1970. “Train hard, go fast, inflict as much pain on yourself as a decent skateboarder, while acquire the haggard looks of Keith Richards.”
See you on the trails.
from El Presidente Keating
The club would like to thank the following folks who participated in the St. Patrick’s Day 10k volunteer pickup:
Liz Hosford Jon Thorne
Jodie Buenning John O’Donnell
Jack Pozo-Olano Jack Coffey
John Dix Gerry Ives
James Scarborough Tris Kruger
Ed Doheny
It was a cold day, but all performed their duties with grace and good cheer. $260 were raised, to defray future race expenses. Thanks to one and all.
May 3, 1998
Toughing the hills, WRC’s Jim Hage easily won the Men’s Masters division with a time of 32:38. Winning the race, was Weldon Johnson in a time of 31:34. Other WRCer’s include: David Keating (42:12) and James Scarborough (46:13).
For the women, Alisa Harvey-Hill took the race in a time of 34:46. Second place winner, Kristy Johnston, was not far behind with a time of 34:57. WRC’s Donna Moore took 6th place in 37:42, and WRC’s Anita Freres covered the course in 40:19, good for 11th place. WRC’s Monica Robbers, despite having a rough day, toughed out the race with a time of 46:46.
May 2, 1998
Under new sponsorship of NIKE, this low-key 5K quickly became quite attractive as elite athletes, Steve Holman, Mary Kecker-Slaney and Becki Wells showed up to run the race. The race was started by Olympian Carl Lewis who also participated in the awards ceremony.
Despite the rain, WRC’s team represented the club with great honor and won the team competition bringing home NIKE watches for all! Team members were: Henry Grossman who was 5th overall and 2nd in his age division ran the course in 16:09; Kevin Burke who finished in 16:51, good for 14th place; Gerry Ives who won his age division with his 18:30; Jack Pozo-Olano, recovering from a tough Boston run, finished in 19:46; defending course champ Jodie Buenning completed the course in 20:04 – far off her time last year, good for 2nd in her age division; and Nancy Horan who clocked an impressive 20:10, good for 12th place.
Because some team members were awarded prizes for their age divisions, the wealth of team was spread among other WRC members. Great job to everyone!!
Oh, yeah, winning the race was Steve Holman in 14:40 and for the women, Mary Decker-Slaney in 16:21.
April 26, 1998
William Kiptum
traveled to WDC from Concord, MA to win the race in 28:17, only 2 seconds in front of 2nd place finisher Peter Githuka (28:19). And, just 2 seconds behind Githuka was Julius Radich who took third with a time of 28:21.
Impressive? Sure, but how about this…..just six days after an impressive run at the Boston Marathon (see results below), WRC’s Jim Hage laced up his shoes and finished the course in 31:38, taking 3rd place in the third masters division and 17th overall. Later, when a fellow WRCer accused of him of being “crazy,” Hage responded by explaining that his “body is used to getting pounded into the ground.” Other impressive performances were seen by: WRC’s Dan Wallace who finished 32:48 for23rd and, WRC’s Henry Grossman who covered the course in 33:32, good for 39th place. And, running his first race in months, WRC Kevin Burke who completed the race in 35:09. WRC’s Gerry Ives completed the race in 37:30 and won his age division.
The women’s race was just as close as the men’s. Tallahassee’s Breeda Dennehy won the race in 33:09 with Teresa Wanjiku (Royersford, PA) on her heels for 2nd place in 33:11. Third place went to Margaret Kagiri from Royersford, PA, who covered the course in 33:13. From Washington, WRC’s Donna Moore ran tough and finished in a time of 36:38. Returning to the local racing circuit (and the U.S.) WRC’s Anita Freres completed the race in 38:55.
April 26, 1998
As they say in the movies, “If you build it, they will come,” but this time it was more like, “If you offer the cash, they will run!” And, that is exactly what happened – in the women’s race. Jennifer Rhines (Haverford, PA) covered the course in 33:45, winning the women’s race and breaking the Tischer Autopark Challenge, which awarded her $20,000. Her closest competitor was Marty Shue (Annapolis, MD) who finished in 33:19, followed by Kristy Johnston (Shepherdstown, WV) in a time of 33:57. WRC’s Monica Robbers held on for 7th place with a time of 37:42.
For the men, Andre Williams ran hard, but not hard enough for the “big cash”. Setting a new course record and winning the race in a time of 29:40, Williams missed the $20,000 challenge by about 1:10. Second place went to Michael Dudley (Morgantown, WV) in 30:39, and Earl Stoner (Hagerstown, MD) took third with a time of 30:52.
April 20, 1998
With perfect conditions – cool, slight breeze and a light mist – many WRC’s laced up their shoes to run with thousands of fellow marathons from across the country. (Editor’s note: the editor presumes that nearly everyone read the results of the winners, this is just a short mention of WRCers who ran the race.)
WRC’s Jim Hage
ran an incredible race and, though his 7th place finish was a couple places shy of cash in the Master’s Division, his efforts were well recognized by all Washington runners. Hage finished 26th overall – 3rd American – in a time of 2:22:44.
Other noteable efforts were displayed by: Keith Moore who ran a PR at 2:48:46; Sharon Servido completed the course in 3:06:14; WRC’s Jodie Buenning ran a PR of 3:15:22; DCRRC’s Bob Platt, running his third (or fourth) marathon in recent months covered the course in 3:19:59; and WRC’s James Scarborough finished the course in 3:39:38. Congratulations to all who endured the grueling hills – well done.
April 19, 1998
While many folks were focusing on Boston, a few good men (and women) turned up to run hard – including WRC’s Gerry Ives, who won his age division in a time of 56:51. DCRRC’s Mark Drosky was hot on his heels, finishing right behind Ives in 56:59. Two-time Marine Corp Marathon winner, Darrell General won the race in 45:54, with George Probst taking 2nd in 46:17.
Martha Merz
handley won the women’s race in 56:25. Apparently Ives looking for some media play had run with Merz through most of the race, but her youth enabled her to out-kick Ives at the finish line. Better luck next time Gerry! Pattie Shull took 2nd with a time of 57:00. (Editor’s Note: these race results were very hard to read, so, if any names were left out, please notify the editor.)
April 5, 1998
On a new course with South Dakota like winds, over 6,000 runners laced up their shoes to participate in the 26th Annual Nortel Cherry Blossom 10 miler. There were predications that the course was fast, but who predicted that it was world record fast? South Africa’s Colleen DeReuck proved that the new course was indeed fast and then went on to set a new world record of 51:16. Marian Sutton (Great Britain) crossed the line nearly 2 minutes behind DeReuck for 2nd place in a time of 53:31 with 3rd place finisher, and first American, Nnenna Lynch (North Carolina) close behind at 53:55. American Kristin Beany (Boston, MA) came out on top after a neck-n-neck finish with Kenyan Margaret Kagiri – both racers beamed in at 54:00
Locally, WRC’s “Sunday morning only” member Sharon Servidio finished 25th overall with a time of 59:40, only 4 seconds ahead of Donna Moore who covered the course in 59:46. Also running the race was WRC’s Liz Hosford, who shaved several minutes off her time to PR, in a time of 1:25:02.
For the men, the finish was close as Kenyan Simon Rono outkicked his team mate Joseph Kariuki to win the race in 45:51. Kariuki crossed the line 7 seconds later in 45:58. Keith Brantly was the first American to cross the line in of 48:02, fast enough to take 9th place.
Locally, Edmund Burke held his own, despite the stiff competition, with an impressive 49:18 finish – 13th overall. WRC members Dan Wallace and Henry Grossmann both toed the line prepared for the stiff competition (and wind), then each walked away with a PR. Wallace took 39th place with a fine time of 53:26 while Grossmann finished the course in 55:00, good for 59th place. Other notable WRC performances were seen by: Roberto Rodriguez (57:49); Jay Wind (58:39); Tom McCarthy (59:12); Jack Pozo-Olano (59:38); Gerry Ives (60:03); Dave Keating (62:08); Robert Trost (66:33); Robert Platt (67:24);James Scarborough (72:26).
Fine finishes by WRC “Sunday morning only” members include: Steve Ward (56:37); Antonio Eppolito (57:00); Dante Ciolfi (57:13); Mark Drosky (59:58); Matt Lucas (60:57).
March 29, 1998
WRC Jim Hage
continued his Spring assault on the roads at the Arts Awareness 5K… a race that he has never lost since its inception. The stakes were high as the prizes at this spring race are usually very nice “objets d’ arts”. Stiff competition was presented by the ubiquitous Ted Poulos and another Masters ace, David Webster. Poulos – coming off a 10K PR the day before – ran an impressive 16:25; while Webster was 20 seconds back. Hage, though, blasted through the Hains Point course in 15:45 for the easy win. Taking 8th place was WRC’s Jay Wind in a time of 17:40. For the women, WRC’s Monica Robbers easily took first place in a time of 18:42. DCRRC’s Beth McCann finished second with a time of 19:55.
Predicted Time Five Miler,
March 22, 1998
In an effort to prove that the race does not always go to the swift the DCRRC put on the Predicted Time Five Miler at Fletcher’s Boat House, on Sunday, March 22, 1998. No matter how fast or slow, all you needed was a sense of pace–without wearing a watch. Thirty-four runners made their bets.
The 10:00 a.m. start allowed contestants to consume a leisurely breakfast; or, in the case of Ted Poulos, they could run an earlier race. And it also gave the race director and his assistants enough time to get their Sunday run over with.
The race started with the two fastest predictors, Ted Poulos and Paul Ryan taking the lead. At the halfway mark, Ryan was handily in the lead, with Ryan in absolute control of second place. At the finish it was Poulos taking the win with 28:25, Ryan as runner-up in 29:41, Glenn Gable in third place with 31:35, and WRC’s J. J. Wind nailing down fourth in 31:47.
However, in this race it ain’t over until the bearded guy (race director Gerry Ives) checks the predictions. Roll of the drums! And the top predictor: 75-79 age group standout Walt Washburn. Walt hit his time right on the nose, 43:30. When you’ve been running as long as Walt you get to be precise about this kind on thing. Poulos was three seconds over his prediction (he ought to be, he gets enough practice), and Eugene Fox and Ric Francke both beat their predictions by eight seconds.
The worst predictor of the day was Jody Matey, who ran 9 minutes and 45 seconds FASTER than her prediction. Slow down Jody!
As is traditional in this race the most accurate prognosticators received pies, courtesy of the race director.
, the top male overall, and Barbara Noe, the top female overall, received watches courtesy of James Scarborough’s bag of donated prizes.
As usual the race could not have been put on without our volunteers (100% WRCers): Tris Kruger, John Dix, John O’Donnell, and James Scarborough all performed admirably in this capacity. Ed Doheny was the official race spectator and cheerleader.
March 21, 1998
WRC’s Jim Hage battled it out against Amit Ne’eman – the second head-to-head in a month—but came up a few seconds short. Hage took third for the Master’s Division with a time of 47:49, Ne’eman crossed the line in 47:46. The men’s race was won by Gabino Apolanio (Mexico) in a time of 43:23. Winning the woman’s races was Kenyan Lornah Kiplagat in 49:24.
Running the 8K was WRC’s Monica Robbers who outkicked Amanda Gillam of Butler, VA to win the 25-29 age division. Robbers finished in a time of 30:48, which was good for 107th overall.
In the year’s first big race fighting the wind and cold temperatures, Edmund Burke, after dodging cars for two blocks while the DC Police attempted to clear the race course causing him to tack on a couple of extra blocks, reached the finish line in 30:50 for the win. Not far behind was Tom Jeffery in a time of 31:18. Fine performances were seen by WRC’s Dan Wallace who seized 10th place in 33:21, and taking 15th place was WRC’s Henry Grossmann clocking 33:50. Other WRC member finishes included: Roberto Rodriguez (36:20); Jay Wind (36:58); and, Robert Trost (39:12). The men’s master’s race was won by Robert Marino in 33:05.
In the women’s race, WRC “Sunday morning only” member, Sharon Servidio covered the course in 37:32, finishing 2nd to Jennifer Stearn who won the race with a time of 36:49. Winning the women’s master’s race, and 4th overall, was Linda Wack in 38:36.
WRC “Sunday only” members Steve Ward covered the course in 34:19…good for third place finish among the masters; and Dante Ciolfi, coming off his in-door track series, crossed the line in 35:54.
March 1, 1998
On this perfect “Boston preparation” course, WRC’s Donna Moore finished 2nd overall in the women’s race completing the 12.4 mile course in 1:19:43. Only Bea-Marie Altieri crossed the finish line ahead of Moore, as she completed the hilly and challenging course in 1:17:29. The men’s race was won by
Fighting a wintry wind and traces of snow, Edmund Burke easily sailed through the finish line in 31:01 for the win. WRC members Henry Grossmann took 10th place in a time of 33:37; Jay Wind crossed the line in 35:52; and, Jack Pozo-Olano finished with a time of 36:25. For the women, Patti Shull won the race in a time of 37:36. WRC’s Jodie Buenning crossed the line in unofficial time of 39:58 (a PR for her) and Bernadette Flynn covered the course in 45:27.
Suggestions on which fall races we should submit teams in are being accepted. Please submit requests to Jodie Buenning at (703) 516-4517, or Jack Pozo-Olano at (703) 903-9673.
“Newly Minted Master’s” runner (and WRC member) Jim Hage has taken to the roads beyond the beltway. At the Gasparilla Distance Classic 15 K in Tampa, Florida, on February 14 (better known as “love day”). But there was not much love in the air for Hage who found himself in a dead sprint to the finish, fighting for 2nd place. Hage crossed the line in 47:49…only a mere 3 seconds behind of 2nd place finisher, Amit Ne’eman and only 6 second behind master’s winner Jon Sinclair (47:43). Guess he should have taken his “valentine” with him for good luck…perhaps next year.
Jon O’Donnell
has attempted to end the “coffee schism” by suggesting the Starbucks on M Street in Georgetown for post-Sunday morning run hang-out. An official poll will be taken – to participate, give O’D a call and give him your vote.
Congratulations go out to Anita Freres who recently married Ron Bardach in April. (Secretary O’Donnell reported that the bride looked beautiful, but lack the vocabulary to describe the event.) Freres is looking forward to returning to racing soon and she reported that O’Donnell spoke to two single women at the reception. Go O’D!!
And, more congratulates to Tom McCarthy on his recent engagement. On the heels of this engagement, Tom was seeing driving the new Z3 BMW convertible…..apparently Tom is celebrating his good fortune with relish.
Congratulations also go out to Jack Pozo-Alono on his somewhate recent engagement to Jodie Buenning. We all know Jack as our Vice-President and champion team coordinator, but who knew he could be so romantic as to ask Jodie to marry him on Valentine’s Day? Well, now we know and with Jodie as the editor of this newsletter this union promises much happiness for both of them, as well as a powerful caucus in club politics. We look all forward to their wedding, as well as the opportunity to use big long names such as, “Jodie Buenning-Pozo-Alono.”
Jon Thoren
and his wife Fairly are expecting twins. Both parents are awfully excited about the prospect. Neighbor Ed Doheny is looking forward to babysitting the children…Jon, are you sure Ed should be influencing such young, innocent kids?
Warm welcome to WRC’s newest members, Monica Robbers and Dan Wallace…. will we ever see Dan in his WRC jursy? And, how long will Mr. Dante Collfi resist joining WRC? Stay tuned.
Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve received thousands of calls (OK, maybe just a few) from members who wondered if they had been taking off the mailing list for the newsletter. To my chagrin, I had to explain that I was too wrapped up in my new engagement, training for Boston and relatively new job to get the last edition of the newsletter in the mail. My sincere apologies to everyone who sat waiting at their mailboxes – I hope that you did not catch a cold in the rain! Note that this will not be a routine occurrence….or at least we hope it will not be.
Please feel free to submit any written materials for publication in the newsletter to: WRC Editor, 1023 15th Street, NW, Suite 200, Washington, D.C., 20005, or call the Editor at (703) 516-4517, or e-mail the editor at: