Great turnout for the Sunday 4 Dec 2022 WRC run! Thanks to everyone who joined us prior to a day of all kinds of football. [Photos courtesy of DJ Loop]

Great turnout for the Sunday 4 Dec 2022 WRC run! Thanks to everyone who joined us prior to a day of all kinds of football. [Photos courtesy of DJ Loop]
Check out this fine bunch of runners! Top, from left: Kat Moore, Jesse Frantz, Frithjov Iversen, John Kendra, Collin Odell and Nick Stamatakos. Bottom: same, but with Christine Hackman instead of KM. Join us for a run soon!
Due to MCM road closures [includes Key Bridge and M St] and the participation of multiple club members in the MCM 10k, this Sunday’s 8A WRC run will be DIY: if you want to show up at the usual spot** and run, great! It’s just hard to say who else will be there.
Wherever you run, enjoy, and good luck to our MCM 10k runners!
**3307 M St NW, Washington DC 20007
Check out all these people ready to rack up big miles – 20-miler, anybody? – in the rain! From left: Eric Breit-Nicholson, Kanat Isakov, Jesse Frantz, John Kendra, Jordan Konig, Frithjov Iversen, Ben Stutts and Michael Navarotte. Gooo, WRC!
Rejoice, night owls! The WRC Sunday Run will return to an 8A start this Sunday, Oct 9 2022. Enjoy the extra zzzzzs.
Check out this fine group of people who ran with WRC Sunday 4 Sep 2022! Top photo, top row: Frithjov Iversen, Vikrant Gokhale, Jesse Frantz, Eric Breit-Nicholson, [], Robert Kirk and Nate Mc. Bottom row: Nick Stamatakos, Tommy Harrold, John Kendra and Lindsay Ward-Gokhale. Lower photo: Christine Hackman added to top row.
Lots of coffee-drinking and spirited discussion ensued post-run.
Want to get in on the picture? Our next First Sunday photo will happen Sunday 2 Oct, so put on clean socks and join us then!
You must be a member in good standing (2022 dues paid) to attend; you can join/renew your membership at the door or, before the event, here at ( Annual dues are $25 individual/$40 family. Members are welcome to bring one guest for $10 additional.
Refreshments: heavy hors d’oeuvres; BYOB (but, no red wine please!); non-alcoholic beverages will be provided.
Agenda: elections are unlikely this year: the current board members ( are expected to continue serving into 2023. If you wish to contest for or nominate someone for a position, however, please email no later than Friday 16 Sep 2022, in which case this could change. Otherwise, the agenda is: eat, drink, be merry, one-two speeches, and (technology gods permitting) *karaoke*.
Location: a super-nice high-rise club room in Rosslyn VA just blocks from Key Bridge. For more info please email
RSVP: If you think you’ll attend, do us a favor and RSVP by Wed 21 Sep to
Hope to see you there!