It’s once again time for Washington Running Club to give back to some of the awesome places through which we run!
Club member and Outreach and Community Events Officer, Michaela Corr, is working to identify the best opportunity for WRCers to lend a hand and do some crosstraining at the Dumbarton Oaks Park in Georgetown.
If you want to help keep one of the prettier places where we go running looking its very best, start by letting Michaela know when you’re available, via her dandy DOODLE. We’ll only participate in this once, but click on all the dates you are free to help lend a hand.
What’s a DOODLE?
Something about optimal herding of cats. I don’t really know. Try it, you might like it!
As a current WRC member is good standing, do I have to do this?
No, but where’s the fun in that?
What’s in it for me?
Admiration from your fellow clubmates, karma points galore, and the satifaction of helping to preserve a local treasure.
What else do you want?
Free beer and cupcakes?
Okay, we’ll think about it.
I still have questions. Who do I contact?
Write to the top! Contact Michaela at, or else use the all-purpose email address,