Ok, we will go first!

k9436980We may be two of WRC’s more master-esque members, but Jerry Paulson and I are not shying away from posting our intended workout for tomorrow morning. Perhaps you will be motivated to join us.

Maybe you will choose to tweak the workout to meet your own goals and fitness levels. Or, we just might be inspiring you to check in with a WRC member who is about your level and post YOUR workout. Whatever works for you.

In any event, this is what Jerry and I are doing, after a suitable warm-up.

4 to 6 800s, @ 3:40 – 3:50, 400 jog between
then 6 200s, un-timed, fast but relaxed, 100 jog between
then, a nice cool-down jog

We hope to be seeing others at the AU track tomorrow morning.