Club News, July 23, 2000

Club News

Tommy 5K Results; Run for Research 3M; Commentary about the Olympic Trials; Textual Deconstruction of Barry Manilow

New Members

Matt Fisher, 27, of Fairfax, VA. A lawyer at Kirkpatrick and Lockhart in Dupont Circle, Matt is currently training for the Marine Corps Marathon. Last month at Lawyers Have Heart 10k, Matt popped a 40:49. We welcome Matt aboard.

Race Results
Tommy 5K, Washington DC July 4th

Belated recognition to our friends who ran the Tommy 5k on July 4th in downtown DC. Below is a listing members times


  • Patty Fulton 17:45
  • Adina Siegel 21:05
  • Bernie Flynn 21:49


  • Jim Hage 15:30
  • Jim Wadsworth 16:40
  • Jay Wind 18:43

Run For Research 3M, July 23rd

Eron Ferreira won the Run For Research 3Miler July 23rd in a time of 15:04. WRC’ers Todd Martin took seventh in a time of 15:45, while Anthony Belber was 11th in 16:18. Commented Todd

“I was not happy with my race. I need much more speed work, so if you know anyone in the Fairfax/Chantilly/Centerville area who would like to do some track work, let me know. It seems I moved out of the prime runner’s area and into the boonies out here in the ‘burbs.”

Kudos to Ron “Fleetfoot Mac” McGraw who took 3rd at the DCRRC Tidal Basin 3K on July 19th. Ron finished behind the ubiquitous Ted Poulus. Ted had run 3,4567,987,543 races since January 1st.

News of the Club
Track Workout Beginning July 25th

Our friend Kirk Baird , will be hosting the WRC track workouts for the summer/fall season. We will meeting at the Georgetown track at 6:30 p.m. every Tuesday. For the July 25th workout, Kirk will have us doing 6×800 with a 400 meter rest.

New hire Bryon Powell asks “About this Kirk guy… is he from up Jersey way?”

That’s right Bryon. FBI Agent Baird moved back to Virginia this Spring after a five year stint in North Jersey. While in Jersey, we imagine Kirk was probably bring folks like the Sopranos to justice.
“Tony, if you don’t behave, you’ll be doing 6×800 every Tuesday”

News About our Friend Marie Sandrock

Congrats are in order for Marie Sandrock who last month accepted a position at the American Chemical Society on 16th Street. Marie received her PhD in chemistry from Georgetown Universityin the Spring. We trust she is enjoying the positive cash flow!

USATF Track and Field Trials

Over the past two weeks, the USATF has been sponsoring the track and field trials in Sacramento, to determine who will represent our country at the Olympics in Sydney. Time to give some recognitoin to friends and family. Kudos to Rich Kenah of Reston, who qualified for the 800 meter team in a terrific performance on Sunday.

Also, recognition is in order to friends who tried, but did not make the team. This would include Matt Lane of William and Mary who placed 4th in the 5,000 meters and Karl Paranya , a Haverford College Graduate, who place 9th in the 1500 meters, in a time of 13:40.

The true T&F aficionado in the club is former President John O’Donnell. Says John about all the hype surrounding the Michael Johnson / Maurice Greene 200 meter showdown:

” In his post meet wrap up, announcer Tom Hammond noted that in the Trials you have to prove your way, and in an obvious reference to the Micheal-Mo debacle, and added, “And if we engaged in some hype over the past week, well, that’s the American way too.” Geez, if you are going to apologize, apologize. Don’t call it the American way. The American way is to ignore track and field altogether.

Some might argue the media paid attention to very attractive 1500 meter runner Suzy Flavor. Of course O’D, the eternal skeptic points out

.”It took them ten years but they finally realized that although Suzy Favor might be sexier than Regina Jacobs, Jacobs is actually faster. “

Anyway, there were some terrific performances, and we wish all athletes going to Sydney all possible success

Barry Manilow – Deconstructed

Gerry Ives recently declined to attended a Barry Manilow concert with his wife and daughters at the MCI center. This got us thinking. Though some might Gerry’s choice to watch ESPN Sportszone reveals a romantic insensibility, ClubNews respectfully disagrees. We submit that Barry Manilow might actually be a deranged nut. Thus we submit for our clubmembers review, a textual analysis of Barry Manilow’s work. See what you think.

Barry Writes the (Alarming) Songs
What Barry Sings Literal Translation
When times got rough he’d phone her
Once or twice she took the call
Then she changed her number and she turned her head
And Linda never looked back at all
A stalker
All The Time I thought there’s only me
crazy in a way that no one else could be,
I would have given everything I own,
If someone would have said you’re not alone.
suffering from narcissism
I write the songs that make the whole world sing.
I write the songs of love and special things
. I write the songs that make the young girls cry.
I write the songs, I write the songs
(not to mention megalomania)
Here I am
I’m your man
wants to snooker some poor woman
oh, Mandy well,
you kissed me and stopped me from shaking,
and I need you today.
Oh, Mandy!
named Mandy
You are goona be sistered and brothered
It’s gonna be gruesome and grand
I swear I’ll keep you worried and sweatin’
And busy and bothered
You’ll run around wringin’ your hands
This guy spends too much time in chatrooms
Please don’t be scared Scared? We are utterly terrified!

Barry makes Sid Vicious look emotionally stable by comparison.